Briefing on IST panel Information Systems Technology by Maj Erik Van de Schoor 16 Feb 2011
IST panel : four main activity domains 1. INFORMATION WARFARE and ASSURANCE (IWA) – INFOSEC - COMPUSEC - COMSEC - TRANSEC 2. ARCHITECTURE and Enabling TECHNOLOGIES (AET) –decision support architectures, data mining, information fusion,visualization, knowledge- based systems, artificial intelligence
IST panel : four activity domains 3. COMMUNICATIONS and NETWORKS (COM) – voice data and video over disadvantaged links, network management, network security, mobile communications, satellite communications, optical fibers. 4. INFORMATION and KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (IKM) –software engineering technologies, computing technologies, modeling and simulation technologies, speech and natural language processing
IST Panel BE members Panel level Professor Patrick VERLINDE: departement CISS (Communication- Information-Systems and Sensors) KMS (BE Voting Member) Cdt Thierry GERARD (replacing Maj Erik VAN DE SCHOOR) : KHID No members at large
Meetings Spring 2010 : Antalya (TUR): Apr canceled Istanbul (short version) 7-8 Jul SY on Information Assurance & Cyber Defence Apr : PBM Fall 2010 Wroclaw (POL) Sep WY on Mil Comms & Networks combined with MCIS-week 27 Sep & 30 Sep-01 Oct PBM Spring 2011 Madrid 9-13 May Fall 2011 : Oslo (Nor) 7-11 Nov
PoW 2011 –Approved via silence procedure –145 activities (31 New, 114 on-going) 2012 –Finalised at fall 2010 PBM
PoW 2011 IST 078 : Machine translation Tim Anderson : follow-on 2012 IST 077 :cognitive radio end Dec 2010 prepare for follow-on 2012 IST 089 Mil Unmanned systems potential follow-on 2012 IST 095 :POF/MOF: 1 st review
HPs and LTCR Command interoperability Critical infrastructure (information) protection LTCR on Language translation
Conclusions Participation of BE delegates in the IST activities increased (RTG on Cognitive Radio and ET on POF) More visibility towards (BEL) universities maybe needed
PoW …
IST Panel BE members Sub-Panel Teams (1/3) Dr. Stéphane PIGEON, researcher (ERM- Dept CISS) and Prof. VERLINDE (liaison Offr with the IST Panel): –IST-078/RTG-036 ( ) « Machine translation for Coalition Operations » (see previous report) Maj Frédéric HALLOT, (ERM- Dept CISS): –IST-075/RTG-034 ( ) « Semantic Interoperability » (2007: 3 meetings, ITA, CAN, BEL in RMA, Nov07) (2008: 3 meetings ESP, SWE, NDL) (2009: 4 meetings GBR, NOR, CAN (Halifax), TUR (Izmir)) –Final report: awaited
IST Panel BE members Sub-Panel Teams (2/3) Prof BAUDOIN et Cdt dAvi COLON, (ERM, Dept de mécanique): –IST-058/RTG-024 Multi-robots systems in Military Domains ( ) is ended. –New RTG IST 089 ( ) Applied interoperability and autonomy for Mil Unmanned systems : –CDT on Robotics (2011) interpanel CDT?
IST Panel BE members Sub-Panel Teams (3/3) Maj Bart SCHEERS, chargé de cours Mil (ERM, Dept CISS): –IST-077/RTG-035 Cognitive Radio in NATO ( ) –1st Mtg - Paris – KO 3-4 July 2008 –In 2009: 2nd Mtg in RMA (Brussels): Feb 3rd Mtg in CAN (Jun 09) –Ends in 2010 –Potential WS in 2011 (TBD in Apr 2010)