The Integrated Classroom and the Role of the Educator Sylvia Marie Long AET/562 October 3, 2016 Dr. Sean Spear
A Social Learning Environment Learning is the transference and withholding of information. As facilitators and instructors, our job is to provide current and appealing activities to keep the interest and motivation of our learners. Because of the increase in students’ population, as well as the diverse cultures, determines the need for enriched learning. Much of our learning whether in school or at home is social. For example, we learn to speak the language around us. We learn from living within our culture. In the working environment, socially-based learning is going on all the time in collaboration with peers and across hierarchies, genders, functional groups and ages, but it often happens in manners that are not legitimately acknowledged as learning. The goal is to reach more people and with social learning, this achieved because technology provides the means to make it possible. Social media integrates technology, social interaction, and content creation collaboratively connects online learners. Through social media students can create, organize, edit, comment on, combine, and share content (University of Phoenix, 2012).
How might a social learning component train employees and change the culture within an organization? Formal learning regulates how to do things compared to social learning on how to get things done. Because of so many new tools and worker-driven advantages toward professional development, an organization is fronting a culture in which training as we knew it would no longer stay worthwhile. The traditional model of training consists of orientation, basic supervision, leadership skills, and retirement planning. There is no learning taken place, no major interaction or collaboration to help the learner know and understand the expectation in the workplace. The new model of workplace training, which will entail more interaction and collaboration with trainers and workers connecting with one another and supporting each other in finding more productive ways of getting things done.
How might social learning affect the role of the trainer within an organization? At the end of each semester, the training department will monitor the success of the tools used for enhancement. Because students thrive on the amount of time they spend connected each day, a profound shift must occur in the traditional classroom environment. Learners in the next age bracket do not want to be lectured to; they want their opinions valued and follow their happiness. Individuals want to produce, link with peers to express and share ideas. They want instantaneous information and most importantly, they want an education that is not just relevant, but real. . Social media is already honoring pupils the chance to learn. It has received a bad name because individuals have been using it for entertainment purposes only, but it provides free opportunities for educators to engage learners in a method of interaction to which they are already accustomed.
How should employee accountability and online reputations be addressed How should employee accountability and online reputations be addressed? What ground rules should be in place before launching a social learning platform? There are many challenges for social learning and wanting to build learning communities. One of the hardest elements for students’ success in higher education is the ability to participate in small groups. The benefit is students who took part in groups, were more engaged in their studies, better prepared for class and learned significantly more than students who worked on their own. Another significant barrier to encouraging social learning in the workplace is culture diversity. Problems in productivity, participation and policies can evolve because of culture diversity (Levy & Yupangco, 2008).
cont’d Discrimination and harassment are ethical dilemmas encountered because of the misuse of social media tools during learning within the environment. It is important to establish and train employees, students or participants on the proper use and the company’s policy during social learning to resolve any ethical conflicts. Training must be specific and clear on the principles and management of the tools used. Social learning has taken on a new focus in the workforce because of the added value of exchanging information through the social media network and interacting in ways that add the greatest value possible. Social learning has ensured adequate workforce training because of the advancement in technology. For example, Microsoft offers Office-based sharing technology, SharePoint. IBM implemented the use of blogs, wikis, and social bookmarking. These few social media tools connect and contribute to efficiency in workforce training (Levy & Yupangco, 2008).
How might interpersonal relationships and productivity improve within an organization because of an integrated approach to training and professional development? The goal is to reach more people, and with social learning, this achieved because technology provides the means to make it possible. Social media integrates technology, social interaction, and content collaboratively connects to online learners.
What are some benefits of creating a social learning environment within an organization? What are some challenges? Through social media students can create, organize, edit, comment on, combine, and share content (University of Phoenix, 2012). Some of the tools that can benefit the organization in training and throughout instructional with our adult learners are blogs, social networks, and video. Lack of participation is one barrier of social learning. Participation plays a major role within the collaborative social media environment, as it is actually required of individuals if they are to benefit from the information that is presented by many individuals with varied skills. Participation is such a critical component of social learning because it enhances the learning experience.
How will your strategy for creating a social learning environment as part of the overall training and development offerings improve knowledge and relationships within the organization? The traditional model of training consists of orientation, basic supervision, leadership skills, and retirement planning. There is no learning taken place, no major interaction or collaboration to help the learner know and understand the expectation in the workplace. Some programs may dismiss this request as unrealistic, but that would be a huge mistake. Staff as well as adult learners have made these demands because they know it is possible. Social media is already honoring the chance to learn. It has received a bad name because individuals have been using it for entertainment purposes only, but it provides free opportunities for educators as well as the working environment to engage learners and staff members in a method of interaction to which they are already accustomed.
References Levy, S., & Yupangco, J. (2008, August). Overcoming the challenges of social learning in the Workplace. Learning Solutions, (). Retrieved from challenges-of-social-learning-in-the-workplace University of Phoenix. (2009). Social media for trainers: Techniques for enhancing and extending learning. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, AET562 website University of Phoenix. (2012). Go ahead…Be social: Using social media to enhance the twenty-first century classroom. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, AET562 website