New Features in Release 8.1 (March 16, 2008)
Release 8.1 New Features Un-assign a Cart New Email preference “Assigned Cart Processed Notification” New Product Vertical (Medical/Clinical Supplies)
Un-assign a Cart The Un-assign feature allows you to electronically withdraw a draft cart from the person to whom you’ve assigned it. You may choose to do this when: The assignee is not available to complete the order in M-Pathways. You wish to modify the order prior to its being completed by the assignee. You wish to delete the draft cart.
Un-assign a Cart Important Information Only the cart assigner may un-assign a draft cart. You can only un-assign a cart when it is in draft status. When the assignee activates the cart in order to complete the order in M-Pathways, the un-assign function will no longer be available for that cart. When you un-assign a cart, it becomes an active cart for you to modify, re-assign, or delete as appropriate.
Un-assign a Cart M-marketsite Draft Carts Page Click the carts tab Note: The carts tab defaults to the draft carts sub-page. Click Unassign button Note: The M-marketsite system doesn’t notify the cart assignee when you have un-assigned the draft cart.
New Email preference "Assigned Cart Processed Notification" A new Email preference has been add to the M-marketsite. Users who assign carts can be notified once the cart has been processed and the lines have been returned to MPathways ePro. To receive this new e-mail preference users should select the "Assigned Cart Processed Notification" checkbox in their M-marketsite User Profile. An email will be sent to the specified user when the assigned cart has been processed and the lines have been returned to MPathway ePro. Note: This notification is letting you know that the MPathways Requisitioner has processed your M-marketstie cart. It still may take hour or two before the PO is sent to the supplier.
New Email preference "Assigned Cart Processed Notification" M-marketsite my profile tab my profile Email Preferences New: Email preference “Assigned Cart Processed Notification”
New Product Vertical (Medical/Clinical Supplies) The “Clinical and Medical” category under the “Lab Supplies” vertical will be moved and recategorized to a new Product Vertical named “Medical/Clinical Supplies” This change will effect hosted catalogs for two suppliers, EMD Chemicals and Henry Schein Inc. When searching hosted catalog it is advised that you search all categories. If you limit your search to the “Lab Supplies” vertical after the 8.1 release items in the new “Medical/Clinical Supplies” will not be found.
New Product Vertical (Medical/Clinical Supplies) M-marketsite Product Search tab Search all verticals New: Product Vertical (Medical/Clinical Supplies) Note: The new Product Vertical will also be aviable under the Browse by Category (Hosted) search tool.