Networked Vehicle in NGN Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) 14 DOCUMENT #: GSC14-PLEN-040 FOR: Presentation SOURCE: ITU-T SG13 and SG16 AGENDA ITEM: PLEN 6.6, GTSC 4.1 CONTACT(S):; Networked Vehicle in NGN Chaesub LEE, Yushi NAITO* ITU-T SG13 and SG16* Chairman Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Highlight of Current Activities ITU-T NGN contributes significantly to support Internal Convergences such as FMC and IPTV ICT should support External Convergences and NGN and Multimedia should take important role in this regard ITU-T SG13 continues developments of NGN recommendations and SG16 for Multimedia Recs. NGN is now recognized one of the best way to mitigate Climate Change in Telecom networks and Vehicle is another important subject in this issue ITU-T members share this importance and initiate some activities. VGP (Vehicle Gateway Platform) and “Networked Vehicle in NGN” are examples Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Highlight of Current Activities Networked Vehicle from ITU-T’s view Multifunction Mobile Terminal: Need support of Telecom Networks capabilities such as NGN, IMT 2000, WiMAX etc. Multifunction Mobile Home Network: Need support of Home Network platforms combining with telecom network capabilities Multifunction Mobile Terminal Multifunction Mobile Home Network
Highlight of Current Activities Study Scope of Networked Vehicle in ITU-T Home Network (inc. NGN-HN) Binding with on-line services ITU-T SG13 ITU-T SG13 Vehicle Gateway Platform (ITU-T SG16) External Networks Mobile Phone V2T PDA V2I V2G Laptop V2V GPS V2T= Telecom (NGN) V2I= Road infrastructure V2G= Power Grid V2V= Vehicle MP3 User devices (nomadic) S S T D … Car dedicated devices for safety, maintenance, power management, fleet management,… (S=Sensors, T=Terminal, D=Displays,…) Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Strategic Direction ITU-T Standards should support communications related with Vehicle Communications through Public Networks: Phone call, Data, Web browsing Communications with Fixed Home Network: communication between “Home Server” and Vehicle Gateway Platform (e.g.update schedule, upgrade S/W drivers etc.) Helping communications among end user devices within a Vehicle (e.g. Sharing the session and contents etc.) ITU-T SG13 & SG16 should continue development Develop VGP standard work together and will use in the core of “Networked Vehicle” Adding “Home Networks”, “Accessibility” and “Climate Change” aspects would be very important direction Functions, capabilities and mechanisms for binding/blending between different services should be studied Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Challenges Collection of Requirements Urgently required to collect requirements from Regulators and relevant Industries, especially Vehicle industry Need to collect End-User’s views on high level requirements Car Industry high level requirements (CIHLR) Telecom Governments SDOs How do ITU-T intend to support CIHLR? What is the regulatory Framework? How do we intend develop the necessary global standards? User organizations Use cases & Service Scenarios Geneva, 13-16 July 2009
Next Steps/Actions Collection of Requirements Invites relevant Players at the FNC-2010 (March 2010, Geneva, Switzerland) Develop Use cases and scenarios Identify user requirements and capabilities to support these SG16 will develop using Multimedia aspects and SG13 do from using NGN (initial doc: Y.usits, Ubiquitous ITS service scenario for Logistics over NGN) Continue development of relevant Recs. SG16 continue on VGP and dynamic coordination mechanism of speech processing functions end-to-end SG13 continue on two documents - Recommendation Y.NGN-Vehicle and - Y.usits (possibly supplement) Geneva, 13-16 July 2009