Current Trends in Health Care 1
Cost Containment Cost of health care began rising due to: Technological advances Aging population Health-related lawsuits Cost Containment measures include: Diagnostic related groups (DRG) Combination of services Outpatient services Mass or bulk purchasing Early intervention and preventive services 2
Health care facilities specialized to include: Home health care Hospice care Geriatric care Types of facilities Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) Telemedicine 3
Emphasis on promoting wellness of the whole individual: Physical wellness Emotional wellness Social wellness Mental and intellectual wellness Spiritual Wellness Holistic Health 4
Alternative and Complementary Methods of Health Care Chinese medicine practitioners Chiropractors Homeopaths Hypnotists Naturopaths 5
National Health Care Plan Has become a leading topic of debate due to the increasing number of uninsured Americans Education and preparation for a potential pandemic Due to the high rate international travel, the possibility for a devastating pandemic has increased 6