Fifth Grade (4th Nine weeks) 2016-2017 HEALTHY ECOSYSTEMS Fifth Grade (4th Nine weeks)
Students will learn that the energy in the environment is directly obtained from the transfer of energy through the food chain using the carbon cycle which results in a HEALTHY ECOSYSTEM. Students will be able to show how the energy is transferred through the energy pyramid in order to understand and where carbon is stored in the environment to be used in photosynthesis. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for the role of photosynthesis in the cycling of matter and flow of energy into and out of organisms By the end of the unit, students will be able to formulate a plan showing how we, as a school, can lessen our carbon footprint and cause less disruption to the energy pyramid of our local ecosystem.
With integration lessons in: Content Areas: Science Math ELA With integration lessons in: Dance Art Theatre Music PE Music Art Theatre
How is energy in the environment transferred through the food chain? Driving Question: How is energy in the environment transferred through the food chain? SAMPLE Essential Questions: How are animals and plants dependent on one another? How is energy transformed and transferred as it flows through the food chain? How does studying cycles help us to understand natural processes? How do living things adapt to the environment? How does energy flow within an ecosystem? How is energy transferred and transformed as it flows through a food chain? How does one species/factor in the food chain affect the others? How can WE lessen our carbon footprint?
DIAGRAM of Carbon Cycle Resources: SC Department of Natural Resources Website and videos Web quests and Online Scavenger Hunts Games and Inquiry Activities Internet Resources: DIAGRAM of Carbon Cycle VIDEO of Carbon cycle LINK to Food web information for Research
SAMPLES: Sample Activity: Daily Thinklets: Inquiry Based Questions to get students talking and thinking about the PBL. The notes and activities will be used to create final project. SAMPLES:
SAMPLE: Sample Activities: Energy Pyramid After learning about the energy pyramid, students will work with partners to research and create a pyramid to model for the class. SAMPLE:
Food Pyramid:
SAMPLE: Sample Activities: Solar Oven Create BOTH types of solar ovens and connect to how solar energy can be used at home or at school to lessen the carbon footprint. SAMPLE:
The Carbon Cycle Power Point: Complete the Carbon Cycle Anticipation Guide in your notebook. Use these questions to guide your note taking. Notes Must include: At least 3 NEW ideas Vocabulary or terms you do NOT know (for later discussion) Any “A-Ha!” moments you have Questions YOU have developed for the group. Complete the Anticipation Guide and be prepared to share you thinking in your group.
Anticipation Guides: SAMPLES:
ARTIFACT: Students will formulate a plan showing how we, as a school, can lessen our carbon footprint and cause less disruption to the energy pyramid of our local ecosystem. To share your plan with the class you may: Write a persuasive essay to the principal to persuade her to adopt your plan. Create a PicCollage or Popplet Create a Comic Book showing the dangers to the food chain and how we can impact it Perform a Newscast sharing your “News” Create and Perform a Public Service Announcement explaining the why we should Implement your plan. Submit a proposal for YOUR own ideas to the teacher. Projects will be video taped as well as presented live to the Principal and other fifth grade classes at the end of the unit.