What is Media Art?
Throughout history, technology has provided artists with new tools Throughout history, technology has provided artists with new tools. As new technologies become available, artists learn to use them and traditional means of expression are transformed or entirely new means of expression are developed.
The relatively recent developments of photography and cinema are examples of new technologies that gave birth to new art forms.
Technology has and will continue to have an impact on how we live our lives.
Computer technology also enables us to manipulate images. Software applications such as PhotoShop is an actual darkroom in a box. It enables users to do all the things to an image in a computer that photographers have traditionally done while making prints in their darkrooms.
The trend towards greater use of technology as a creative tool will continue into the future.
Digital cameras, scanners, imaging software, printers, computers and the internet empower us to use images more effectively than traditional film based photographs. One picture may be worth a thousand words, but a digital image may be used in thousands of ways and seen by thousands of people.
The influence of technology and scientific innovation is profoundly changing how we express ourselves. Media Arts is a new field that represents the exciting convergence of technology with the traditional art. Media art is an umbrella term covering a wide range of practices in which digital technologies are integrated into the art making process to create works of art.
Digital media, which have been developed to new depths through computers and the Internet, are revolutionizing the world. "Media art", which combines conventional art and digital media, has adopted a lead role in today's art scene.
Media art goes beyond the borders of conventional art, by incorporating a wide variety of technologies such as: Grapic design video animation and sound This broadens the range of creative expression available to us in the form of films, television, games, music, and multi-media.
Internet technology is advancing at dizzying speeds. Technology that works today may serve no purpose at all tomorrow. Creating media art amidst such circumstances means producing art that will last even in a rapidly changing environment.
Bibliography 1. www.cac-accr.ca/ cameras.jpg 2. www.artjacobs-uys.co.za/ Artists_Materials_gro... 3. www.loc.gov/exhibits/ empire/making.html 4www.ausvid.com 5. www.wyndham.com/corporate/ technology/main.wnt 6. www.photoopportunity.co.uk/ studio/darkroom.html 7 www.webwombat.com.au/.../ movies/shrek.htm 8 magacine.blogs.sapo.pt/ arquivo/033757.html 9. Jennifer L. Baker - Truckbed http://gcc.bradley.edu/exhibit/2000/respice.htm 10 Brian Fay - Eyes of Time 11. John Byrne - Congress Squared 12. Jeffery Becton - Anticipating Ascension
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