You’re in the right place! Welcome to Year 5 Year 5 You’re in the right place! Mr Picker 5B Head of Year 5 Mr. Price 5P Ms. Ashton 5A Mrs Reed 5R
You’re in the right place! Learning Support Year 5 You’re in the right place! : Ms. Kitty Wong Learning Assistant Mr. Dwayne Brown LEC Ms. Trish Shadforth LEC Ms. Suzi Vujanovic LEC
Connect, Strive, Flourish Term 1 Focus Connect, Strive, Flourish Positive Actions, Positive Relationships Year 5 You’re in the right place! Student Wellbeing 2019: Personal development rotations Character Strengths Peer Support Values Star Strong relationships with staff and peers LEAP Van Health Education
You’re in the right place! Specialist Timetable Year 5 You’re in the right place! Daily 1 x Chinese Weekly: 1 x Physical Education Lesson 1 x Sports Lesson 1 x Music 1 x Library Lesson 1 x ICT 1 x Art Fortnightly: 1 x Choral session per fortnight
You’re in the right place! Year 5 Learning Overview English Reading – SHARP Reading Writing – Writing for different purposes and audiences with a particular focus on language conventions. Speaking and Listening – Formal and impromptu speeches. Mathematics Daily number fluency activities and investigations through iMaths which address all strands of the Australian Mathematics Curriculum: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. All mathematics units will take a real world, problem solving approach where students are encouraged to explain their reasoning. Year 5 You’re in the right place!
You’re in the right place! Year 5 Learning Overview Science Students will be involved in various investigations that explore the world around us. HASS Students will use an inquiry approach to examine History and Geography Health The students will evaluate the impact of empathy, inclusion and respect on themselves and others. They’ll also be learning about how bodies change and grow. Year 5 You’re in the right place!
You’re in the right place! Homework Year 5 You’re in the right place! AISHK School Policy as in the Handbook Time: 50 minutes maximum per evening. Consolidation of class work. A hard copy will be given to the students every Monday to be returned Friday. H/W diaries and email for parent-teacher communication
You’re in the right place! Laptops Year 5 You’re in the right place! Used in daily learning to support and extend current thinking, knowledge and understandings. Each child should have their own headphones (mouse is optional). For health reasons, headphones are not shared. Computers stay at school and are charged overnight Mr Ohlson will be working with Year 5 teachers and students to support and facilitate digital literacy and to continue to teach and upskill the students. All students have laptop cases and these are used for carrying the computers to other classrooms as needed.
You’re in the right place! eSmart Digital Licenses Year 5 You’re in the right place!
You’re in the right place! Year 5 You’re in the right place!
You’re in the right place! Communication Year 5 You’re in the right place! AISHK App Dhanara- School wide news Dhanara- Fortnightly Year 5 Newsletters Google Classroom Homework Diaries Email communication – phone call only if urgent. Late arrival / Early departure. Portfolios Seesaw (more info to follow)
You’re in the right place! Uniform Year 5 You’re in the right place!
You’re in the right place! CAMP Year 5 You’re in the right place! Treasure Island, Pui O Beach, Lantau Tuesday 19th March To Friday 22nd March 2019
You’re in the right place! Diary Dates Week 6/7 - Parent Teacher Interviews (4th – 15th March) Week 8 - Year 5 Camp to Lantau Island (19th – 22nd March) Week 9 - Last Day of Term 1 (4th April) Please keep an eye on diaries and newsletters for more key dates. Year 5 You’re in the right place!
You’re in the right place! Thanks for coming Year 5 You’re in the right place! Please stay and introduce yourself to the Year 5 teachers. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.