Virtual Presentation Template prepared by ICIMU Logos are allowed on this page only!
Virtual Presentation Guidelines You are kindly requested to create your video file of your presentation. Time allocated for the video presentations is 10 - 15 mins. Presenters are encouraged to use at least MS Power Point for the video recordings with narrations. The video presentation also may be having you presenting in front of a camera or your voice over the PowerPoint or a combination of any other creative methods of presentation such as screen-o-matic, PowToons, etc. Please send an email to to request for the Google Drive access in uploading your video. Video size is kindly requested to be 100 MB or less. Following the submission of the video recording, the presenter should also add following information to the email content; Paper Title Submission ID Full Name During the conference, we will present your video presentations at the respective venue which will be announced later on ICIMU Web Site. 31 July 2019