Why today is special Its BarCampMumbai I have hacked 1 day 2 nights for it. Like the true BarCamp tradition working on the presentation after arriving at the venue …Yup so its special for me.
Yet another Web2.0 Application I am growing sick of Web2.0 Okie ! No more of Web2.0 as I continue
Lets discuss about… Tags Folksonomy TagCloud Yup our favorites ( Flickr, Del.icio.us, etc )
The point I want to make Tags are coOL (most of you would agree) Much needed METADATA But something is missing dude…
Whats missing… Some way to extract information you need We have TagClouds for it ! Are they the most functinal way to extract information? I don’t feel so ! What can be done…
How about improving the usability of the TagCloud Ajax Prototype Eye Candy ( Script.aculo.us )
What do we get ? TagSurfer Make sure there is enough wind (tags) Just enjoy surfing through your tags
Is that it ? Well, no ! I wont leave you there How about a DEMO <a small one though>
Here it is ! In the form of a wordpress plugin http://akshay.zeeblo.com/tagsurfer.zip Download and install ! Dude wordpress doesn’t have Tags? It considers Wordpress categories as Tags :p And its doesn’t mess your categories. Try this: http://akshay.zeeblo.com/soc/
Lets try and build on this… What can be done?
Thnks everyone for this wonderful opportunity….! Akshay Surve http://ak47surve.blogspot.com Spl thnks to Abhishek, Atul, Mohit, Shreyas…