Reasons why the DBQ is your BFF All the information is provided for you There is no correct answer
Thesis What makes up a good thesis? Who What When Where Why Makes and argument, and lays out what you plan to argue DO NOT SIMPLY RESTATE THE QUESTION
Example Thesis The Green Revolution, which began after World War II, has had many successes and consequences, however, the consequences far out weigh any of the successes and it is continuing to threaten the world’s welfare because instead of the threat of starvation, people now face the overpowering threats to their livelihood. The constant advance in technology and pressure caused the Green Revolution to fail miserably.
Point of View Answers the question: Why might the author white this document? What is influencing the author to write this document? Might the information being provided be skewed? If so How? DO NOT SIMPLY STATE THAT THE DOCUMENT IS BIASED. TELL ME HOW THE DOCUMENT IS BIASED. Template idea: " It makes sense that _________ (person) believes ____________because he/she is ______________."
Additional Document Try to be specific Must help answer the prompt Explain why you need this document EX: An additional document that would help is a graph showing how much water farmers have used over the past 100 years. It is important because if what Dr. Shiva has said about water shortages is true, then the graph will show just how much water is being used.
Rule of THREE THREE Groups THREE POVs THREE Additional Documents
The Rubric BASIC CORE EXPANDED CORE Points 1) Has acceptable thesis. 1 Expands beyond basic core of 1 to 6 points. A student must earn 7 points in the basic core area before earning points in the expanded core area. Examples: Has a clear, analytical, and comprehensive thesis. Uses all or almost all documents. Uses documents persuasively as evidence. Shows careful and insightful analysis of the documents. Analyzes point of view in most or all of the documents. Analyzes documents in additional ways — additional groupings or other. Brings in relevant "outside" historical content. Explains the need for more than one type of additional document 0-2 2) Understands the basic meaning of the documents (may misinterpret one). 3) Supports thesis with appropriate evidence from documents. 2 Partially substantiates thesis w/ appropriate historical evidence (1) 4) Analyzes point of view in at least two documents. 5) Analyzes documents by grouping them in one (or two or three) ways, depending on DBQ question. 6) Identifies and explains the need for one type of appropriate addition document or source Subtotal 7 TOTAL 9
Components of the DBQ Essay – Core Points (MANDATORY) Thesis statement that is not just a restating of the question. Using all of the documents in your essay. Grouping and thoughtfully analyzing the documents. DON’T LIST DOCUMENTS! Stating the point of view/perspective on minimum of three (3) of the documents Using the documents to support your thesis. Adding an additional document that would help support your thesis.
Getting the 8 or 9… Extremely strong thesis statement. Adding more than one additional document to your essay. Completely and thoroughly answering the question. Remember, you must score all basic points in order to receive expanded core.