Lessons From Unwise Words Text: Numbers 20:1-13 Context: Miriam dies (v. 1) The People/Livestock lack water (v. 2) The People Complain (v. 3-5) Contrast: Numbers 13:23, 27 Note the subtle progression!!!
Lessons From Unwise Words Text: Numbers 20:1-13 Context: Miriam dies (v. 1) The People/Livestock lack water (v. 2) The People Complain (v. 3-5) Moses/Aaron go to the Tabernacle (v. 6)
Lessons From Unwise Words Text: Numbers 20:1-13 Context: God instructs Moses on “how” to get water for the people (v. 8) Moses did “as he commanded him” (v. 9)
Lessons From Unwise Words Moses Sinned What Did Moses Do? Took the rod (v. 9) – Correct! (v. 8-9) Gathered the people (v. 10 a) – Correct! (v. 8)
Lessons From Unwise Words Moses Sinned What Were Moses’ Sins? (v. 10-12) Took credit/glory that belonged to God (v. 10, 12, 27:14) Spoke “unadvisedly” (Ps. 106:32-33) Struck the rock (v. 11) Rebelled (v. 24, 27:14) Lack of Faith!! (v. 12)
Lessons From Unwise Words Moses Sinned Why Did This Happen? Anger (Ps. 106:32) Problem: When Moses got angry at the people, God got angry at Moses! (Deut. 3:26, 4:21) Frustration(?) (Num. 20:2-4; Ex. 17:2)
Lessons From Unwise Words What Does This Mean To Me? The Danger of Words Said In Haste! (Ps. 106:32-33; Eph. 4:26-27) In his anger, Moses struck the rock (Num. 20:11)! All Credit/Glory belongs to God! (Acts 12:21-23; Dan. 2:27-28; Gen. 41:15-16)
Lessons From Unwise Words What Does This Mean To Me? Sanctify God ALWAYS!! (Num. 20:12; I Pet. 3:15) Sin is still sin. Even if … You’re mad You’re frustrated Someone else’s actions caused it (Deut. 4:21) You’re “old” (Ezek. 18:24, 26)
“What Must I Do To Be Saved?” Hear The Gospel (Rom. 10:17) Believe In Christ (Jn. 8:24) Repent Of Sins (Lk.13:3) Confess Christ (Rom. 10:10) Be Baptized (I Pet. 3:21) For The Erring Child: Repent (Acts 8:22), Confess (I Jn. 1:9), Pray (Acts 8:22)