Changes in intensity and frequency of pain and work-induced local musculoskeletal strain between baseline, 3-month and 12-month follow-up. Changes in intensity and frequency of pain and work-induced local musculoskeletal strain between baseline, 3-month and 12-month follow-up. (A) Intensity of neck pain and (B) intensity of low back pain; lower number indicates positive outcome and ≥15mm change indicates minimal important change. (C) Frequency of neck pain and (D) frequency of low back pain; proportion with daily or almost daily pain, lower number indicates positive outcome. (E) Local strain in neck and shoulders and (F) local strain in upper and lower back; Numeric Rating Scale (0–6), sum score of two locations (0–12), smaller number indicates positive outcome. Jaana H Suni et al. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 2017;3:e000233 ©2017 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd