The new Fluke Thermography Lineup Redefining standard resolution for a Professional camera New reduced pricing Reduced Model count New Entry level toolbelt camera Company Confidential – Do Not Distribute
Product Refresh refresh the product line Reduce the number of models With the rapid changes in technology we have decided it is time to:- refresh the product line Reduce the number of models redefine the standard resolution for a professional Ti camera review our prices to offer greater value add a new entry level toolbelt camera Company Confidential – Do Not Distribute
Product Highlights Ti480, TiX 580 - new pricing – offering greater value than before Multi-Sharp Auto focus Super-resolution Very sensitive 50mK Asset tagging* Auto capture Ti401 and TiX501 - Redefining the standard of a professional camera as 640 X 480** Lasersharp® autofocus IR Photonotes™ PTI 120 - New toolbelt camera First line of defence Portable and rugged Others - TBA Shows the key features of each product family. *Indicates Fluke Connect™ features that will be available soon. Watch the Fluke website for software and firmware updates ** Feature differences between the 401/480 and 501/580 Company Confidential – Do Not Distribute
TiX580, Ti480, TiX501 and Ti401 TiX580 Ti480 TiX501 Ti401 Key features Resolution 640 x 480 Thermal Sensitivity 50 mK 75 mK Multisharptm Yes No Asset identification* Yes* Temp Range -20 ° C to 1000 °C -20 °C to 650 °C Live Line Marker User defined Spot Markers 3 2 - User defined measurement boxes 1 SuperResolution Yes/creates a 1280 x 960 image Zoom 2x, 4x, 8x 2x, 4x, 2x Palettes 8 9 Radiometric Video Fluke Connect® Instant Upload* Shows the difference between the full range. If any item is not listed then it applies across the full range. The exception is the resolution. *Indicates Fluke Connect™ features that will be available soon. Watch the Fluke website for software and firmware updates. Company Confidential – Do Not Distribute
Arguments to switch end-users to high resolution cameras How to upsell - 1 Arguments to switch end-users to high resolution cameras Do you see the problem? And now? Can you measure it? Use of images to illustrate the benefit of higher resolution. This one does not cover resolution sizes. Fluke Company Confidential - Do not distribute
How to upsell - 2 80x60 128x96 160x120 320x240 Which image will give more reliable data for…... insurance/Analysis/reporting? Fluke Company Confidential - Do not distribute
Typical detector reaction on hot spot Camera response Hot spot covers 1 pixel Signal in the center is equivalent to 50% of total signal Signal in the center is equivalent to 95% of total signal Hot spot covers 3 pixels Covers the science behind pixel size and energy collected. Main point to mention is the difference in eqivalent signal 50% and 95%. Phenomena known as “size of source effect” Fluke Company Confidential - Do not distribute
Measurement resolution criteria Critical temperature for PVC insulation: 70 °C Conditions when insulation achieves 70 °C considered as high risk of fire! Consequence: Camera should be able to measure critical temperature with confidence! Covering the wire with 1 pixel only doesn’t allow measurement with confidence! Having covered the science it is much easier to justify the higher resolution required in an electrical application to observe an electric cable correctly. To comply with insurance requirements you need camera with higher resolution! Fluke Company Confidential - Do not distribute
FAQs What about the current stop ship? With many changes taking place we will try and keep you informed regularly. What happens to the Ti 450/400/300/200? With the new line logic the intention is to eventually EOL these products. What happens to the Ti450 SF6 and the new Gas Camera? At present there is no change. But we will keep you informed regularly. What happens to the TiS range? With many changes taking place we will try and keep you informed regularly What about the new products? We will be introducing new products as previously announced. Company Confidential – Do Not Distribute
Served Markets / Key Applications Industrial Maintenance Oil & Gas/Process applications Research & Development (TiX580 only) Electrical Utilities Key Applications: Key Applications: Key Applications: Key Applications: Electrical: Breakers, three phase, connectors, cabinets, wiring, connectors Mechanical: Motors, pumps, bearings, pulleys Building: Building envelope, insulation, roofing, energy savings audits HVAC: Motors, tanks, fans, ducts Process: Tanks, pipes, mills furnaces, smelters, refinery, cooling towers Utilities Distribution: Breakers, three phase, connectors, cabinets, wiring, connectors Utilities Transmission: Transmission lines, transformers, connectors Utilities Generation: Breakers and transformers, switchyards, circulating pumps, insulator bushings and connectors, generators, rectifiers, photovoltaic cells, boilers Damaged structures caused by worn or leaking pipes and thermal insulation Abnormal heat flow and heat gradients Defective valves and steam traps Gas or steam leakage Tank levels and sludge build-up See smaller details, which may be essential to find root cause of a problem Electrical Component Design: Heat dissipation, thermal modeling validation, assessing collateral damage, solder welt inspection Materials engineering: material quality, inclusions, phase change, delamination, voids, moisture inclusion, stress fracturing Sciences: Biological and geothermal processes processes Product Design: Performance validation of clothing and apparel, aerodynamics, propulsion Company Confidential – Do Not Distribute