DCUSA Secretariat 7 February 2013 Update from DCUSA DCUSA Secretariat 7 February 2013 1 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 7 February 2013 1
Live DCUSA Change Proposals CP Title Type Status DCP160 Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Notional Capacity Standard Working Group DCP 159 Volumes data in the CDCM DCP158 DNO DUoS re EDNOs DCP156 Update to derogation clause Implemented DCP153 Service Level Agreement for Resolving Network Operational Issues DCP152 Implementation of the combined EDCM for import and export charges Awaiting Consent 2 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 2
Live DCUSA Change Proposals CP Title Type Status DCP 150 Implementation of Notice in DCUSA for Changes to certain CDCM Inputs Standard CR to February Panel DCP 149 Prohibiting HH invoices containing data from 2 different clock time calendar months CR to March Panel DCP 148 Rebilling to be done via credit/rebill Awaiting Consent DCP 147 Preventing UoS invoices containing non-UoS elements Approved – 1 October 2013 DCP 146 HH invoice runs DCP 145 Mandating compliance with D2021 processes DCP 144 Prohibiting rounding of HH data DCP 143 Estimating missing reactive data 3 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 3
Live DCUSA Change Proposals CP Title Type Status DCP 142 Using D2021 for all invoices/credit notes if it is used at all Standard Awaiting Consent DCP 141 Invalid settlement classes Rejected DCP 139 Non-Application of FCP charge for Category 0000 Customers EDCM DCP 138 Implementation of alternative network use factor (NUF) calculation method in EDCM Working Group DCP 137 Introduction of locational tariffs for the export from HV generators in areas identified as generation dominated. CDCM DCP 136 Notice period for Asset Cost Changes in the CDCM Implemented DCP 135 Clarification of CDCM Charges DCP 134 Implementation of notice in DCUSA for changes to distribution time-bands Approved 4 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 4
Live DCUSA Change Proposals CP Title Type Status DCP 133 500 MW network common model for CDCM input CDCM Working Group DCP 132 Improving the transparency of CDCM target revenue Approved DCP 131 Improving the predictability and transparency of CDCM inputs DCP 130 Remove the discrepancy between non-half hourly (NHH) and half hourly (HH) un-metered supplies (UMS) tariffs DCP 129 Bringing the CDCM Price Control Disaggregation (Method M) under the DCUSA Open Governance Framework CR to February Panel DCP 128 Bringing the EDCM Price Control Disaggregation (Extended Method M) under the DCUSA Open Governance Framework DCP 127 Gas First Smart Meter Installation Standard DCP 126 Require DNOs to publish and update year-ahead forecasts of DUoS tariffs Awaiting Consent 5 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 5
Live DCUSA Change Proposals CP Title Type Status DCP 124 Third Party Network – National Connection Terms amendment Standard Working Group DCP 123 Revenue Matching Methodology Change CDCM DCP 120 Boundary Registrant Access Provisions Urgent WG/On hold awaiting confirmation from Proposer about progression DCP 118 Allocation of EHV costs in the CDCM price disaggregation model CR to February Panel DCP 117 Treatment of ‘Load related new connections & reinforcement (net of contributions)’ in the Price Control Disaggregation Model DCP 115 NTC Amendments - Capacity Management (Under Utilisation) 6 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 6
Live DCUSA Change Proposals CP Title Type Status DCP 114 NTC Amendments - Capacity Management (Over Utilisation) Standard CR to February Panel DCP 106 Visibility to DCUSA Parties regarding applications to the Authority by DNOs to change allowed revenue Rejected DCP 102 Credit cover calculation of 15 day value DCP 054 Revenue Protection / Unrecorded units into Settlement Working Group 7 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 7
DCUSA Deadlines Consultations: DCP 153 ‘Service Level Agreement for Resolving Network Operational Issues’ – Consultation closes Friday, 15 February 2013 Voting: Change Reports for the following CPs will be presented at the February 2013 DCUSA Panel meeting then, subject to approval, be issued for voting: DCP 102 ‘Credit cover calculation of 15 day value’ DCP 114 ‘NTC Amendments - Capacity Management (Over Utilisation)’ DCP 115 ‘NTC Amendments - Capacity Management (Under Utilisation)’ 8 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 8
DCUSA Deadlines Voting: Change Reports for the following CPs will be presented at the February 2013 DCUSA Panel meeting then, subject to approval, be issued for voting: DCP 118 ‘Allocation of EHV costs in the CDCM price disaggregation model’ DCP 128 ‘Bringing the EDCM Price Control Disaggregation (Extended Method M) under the DCUSA Open Governance Framework’ DCP 129 ‘Bringing the CDCM Price Control Disaggregation (Method M) under the DCUSA Open Governance Framework’ DCP 143 ‘Estimating missing reactive data’ DCP 150 ‘Implementation of Notice in DCUSA for Changes to certain CDCM Inputs’ 9 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 9
DCUSA Key Dates February DCUSA Panel Meeting – 20 February 2013 February Panel Paper Deadline – 13 February 2013 DCUSA Standing Issues Group Teleconference – 1 March 2013 SIG Paper Deadline – 22 February 2013 March DCUSA Panel Meeting – 20 March 2013 March Panel Paper Deadline – 13 March 2013 10 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 10
DCUSA Contacts DCUSA Contacts Charging Methodology CPs and DCMF/DCMF MIG Michael Walls michael.walls@electralink.co.uk Roz Timperley rosalind.timperley@electralink.co.uk DCUSA CPs and DCUSA SIG Claire Hynes claire.hynes@electralink.co.uk Telephone – 0207 432 3011 11 | Energy Networks Association - DCMF 11