Class [class number/name] Schools Linking Class [class number/name]
What are we doing? We are really excited to link with the year [class number] class from [school name] to work on a year long project! We are exploring four very important questions Who am I? Who are we? Where do we live? How do we all live together?
How are we doing it? We are exchanging thoughts, feelings, ideas and work with our link class all year long. We will send letters in the post, send e-mails and even video call them!
Do our two classes get to meet? YES! We are very excited that we will get to meet our link class this term at [neutral venue visit]. We are also going to go and visit them at their school and ask them if they would like to come and visit us here.
How do we feel about it? [quotes from the class]
What are we most looking forward to finding out about our link class? [quotes from the class]
What do we want them to know about our school? [quotes from the class]