Loreto High School, Beaufort NEW JUNIOR CERT Loreto High School, Beaufort
WHY? New type of teaching and learning Move away from “ROTE LEARNING” Greater emphasis on continuous assessment Greater emphasis on student WELLBEING Focus on student’s skills and preparation for life
Principles Learning to Learn Choice and Flexibility Quality Creativity and Innovation Engagement and Participation Continuity and Development Inclusive Education Wellbeing
Key Skills Being Literate Being Numerate Being Creative Managing Myself Staying well Managing Information and thinking Communicating Working with others
When? In the pipeline since 1997 Worked on by NCCA Implemented incrementally since 2014/2015 2017 – English 2019 – Science, Business Studies 2020 – Irish, Art, Modern Languages 2021 – Maths, Home Economics, History, Music, Geography 2022 – Religion
What’s different? Students can sit a maximum of 10 subjects Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) in 2nd and 3rd year Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement on subjects assessed, CBAs and a written report of learning (externally marked) and other school achievements
How do CBAs work? Apply to all subjects Completed at end of 2nd year and beginning of 3rd year 2nd year – students, in groups, research a topic and complete a project 3rd year - students, individually, complete a project One of the CBAs must include a presentation Teachers collectively mark the CBAs Students submit a written report on the 3rd year CBA, with their exam, to the SEC for correction which will represent 10% of their final Junior Cert mark
Gradings Descriptors Exceptional Classroom Based Assessments Above Expectations In Line with Expectations Yet to Meet Expectations
WHAT SUBJECTS? Same subjects as we have currently on offer CSPE is no longer an examination subject but is mandatory Only Maths, English and Irish have Higher and Ordinary level exams All other subjects have a common level exam All exams of 2 hour duration
Wellbeing? Non exam subjects Important for student development CSPE, PE, SPHE, Choir/Drama, Guidance Other school activities eg. Retreats, Study skills, Pastoral Care, Speakers etc. Initially will be 5 periods per week.
Changes in teaching and learning Teachers will take a different approach More student involvement in their learning Increased engagement and participation Assessment for Learning Students correcting one another’s work Comment only marking More effective feedback More groupwork/creative projects etc.
Certification? SEC reports on state examination elements School produces a Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement for Classroom Based Assessments and other school activities Other school activities include: School leadership roles eg. Green Captain, Class Prefect Representing school in sports, debating, choir etc
Gradings Subjects: Grade % Band Distinction 90 - 100 10 Higher Merit 75 - 89 15 Merit 55 - 74 20 Achieved 40 - 54 Partially Achieved 20 - 39 Not graded 0 - 19
English Grades 2017 Higher Level No. of Students Distinction Higher Merit Merit Achieved Partially Achieved Not Graded 2017 48235 1.8% 20.2% 59.7% 15.9% 2.3% 0.1% Ordinary Level No. of Students Distinction Higher Merit Merit Achieved Partially Achieved Not Graded 2017 12755 2.9% 33.2% 46.8% 13.0% 3.7% 0.5%
Further Information www.jct.ie www.curriculumonline.ie