Morphology – Its Main tasks & notions Free VS Bound Morphemes Can be used alone - Need support e.g. dog (affixes) Book Kill suffixes prefixes Know -ful re- - less il-
Morphology – Its Main tasks & notions ED allophones or allomorphs S/ES endings (or both?) ALLOMORPH VS ALLOPHONE
Morphology – Its Main tasks & notions
Morphology – its tasks & notions Portmanteau morph (-s/es, what does it denote?) Cranberry morph/morpheme (meaning of cran-?) Zero morpheme (sheep – Sg, how about Plural?) Empty morph (children)
Morphology – its tasks & notions Number of morphemes VS number of syllables always/commonly the same? Categories/Types Mono-, di-, polysyllabic words (red, alive, comprehend..) Mono-, polymorphemic words (you, winters…)