9/16 Learning Target I can explain how the Columbian exchange influenced America, Europe and Africa.
Social Heirarchy
What were people looking for when they found the Americas?
Motives and Means European countries compete It was no longer just land, also wealth spread Christianity Adventure fame “Gold, Glory, and God” Race for Riches The first country to secure a trade route to East Asia would have a monopoly on goods coming from East Asia That means $$$$
Columbian Exchange Simulation You are either from the Old World or the New World You will be given two cards, you need to try to trade with other people from YOUR WORLD to get the best cards. You have 2 minutes
Are you better off? Are you? Try again, trade with people from the other side of the room, try to get the best two cards.
Look at the back of your cards If your card has a mark on the back, you have been given a disease From the Old World?-you’re good! From the New World?-
Slave Trade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znwRJ5K85XI
Kahoot Review for Quiz