Warm-up (Please do this on the warm-up packet you may get from the front table.) Use the “My Name” to write one paragraph that explains what we know about Esperanza based on her story. What kind of person is she? How do you know?
Personal Statement Writing What makes good personal writing?
Personal Statement A picture. An invitation. Provide a snapshot of who you are as a person. An invitation. Invite your reader to get to know you. A story, or more precisely, your story. Creative and self-reflective.
1st Example It all started during homeroom that morning. A student told me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. I didn’t believe him. During 2nd period another student told me the same thing. After that I turned on the television to see if it was really true. It was. Two airplanes had crashed into the World Trade Center. Another crashed into the Pentagon. Another one crashed in Pennsylvania. Then the World Trade Center collapsed. Thousands of people died in the worst terrorist attack in the United States. It was the worst day ever.
2nd Example There is a person that very important to me that person is my great great grandma. She is important to me because she gives me guides in my life. I go visit at least two times a week to see how she is doing. She just turned one hundred and one years old on September 6. She likes to do everything for herself. The doctor said she has the heart of a sixteen year old. I go to her house to help clean up and take out the garbage. I do whatever she wants me to do at her house when she wants me to come help she call my cell phone and I come ran because she is very important. On her birthday the whole family comes to her house. She doesn’t like much company but she is happy when I come by. She is my role model in my life. She is why I try my best in class.
3rd Example The hacking cough came suddenly. At first it was just a little bit at dinner. She's choking on her food, we told ourselves, dismissing my grandmother's illness like some dismiss their dog's whine in the middle of the night. It was a nuisance more than anything else, her illness measured by the dishes she broke after dinner or the number of times she interrupted the news with her moans. My dad would roll his eyes, and I would imitate him. We're two of a kind, I would think, and if he could roll his eyes over the coughing, then I could roll mine right on over too.
Qualities of Personal Writing Descriptive Shows and doesn’t tell. Specific and simple Focuses on 1-2 things in depth. Personality. You can tell what kind of person the writer is! Reflects. Tells the meaning of the story. How did it affect you?
Description Before the game, I felt so nervous. When I walked into the concert, it was really loud. The sound of my alarm was annoying. When I heard the news, I was excited.
Essay Evaluation Directions: Read the example personal essay. On a piece of paper, you will