UNFPA’s support to data collection in Kazakhstan


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Presentation transcript:

UNFPA’s support to data collection in Kazakhstan Gaziza Moldakulova National Programme Officer on PD and Gender UNFPA Kazakhstan

Technical assistance to the Committee on Statistics on 2009 Census: Pre-census support Capacities of Kazakhstan to conduct the Population and Housing Census 2009 have been built through: Strengthening technical capacities of Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan and contribute to organizing 2009 Census in accordance with UN principles and recommendations of 2010 Round of the World Population and Housing Census Programme by bringing international expertise and training of professionals on organizational and methodological issues of census conduction; Introducing international principles and modern methodologies for population data collection through the funding of AoS staff participation in UNECE trainings. Assistance in introduction of mapping system with participation of international consultant (GeoSpace International company, Johannesburg); Providing international expertise for the pilot census conducted in February 2008; Providing technical support for revising of census questionnaire; Development of instructive video-film and producing CDs - manual for regional trainings of enumerators, reflecting methodological and organizational issues of data collection in the field.

Technical assistance to the Committee on Statistics on 2009 Census: Census processing UNFPA CO provided the expert evaluation of census operation facilitated by international consultant aimed to insure its compliance with international standards based on UN recommendations on conduction of the population and housing censuses of the 2010 round. The report on evaluation with developed recommendations on data processing passed to the government. Based on the actual evaluation, activities done in the preparation and enumeration phases of the census, found by the international consultant as in line with the principle International standards and UN Recommendations, but also adapted to the national needs.

Technical assistance to the Committee on Statistics on 2009 Census: Census Data Analysis and Dissemination UNFPA supported the Agency on Statistics on census data analysis and dissemination of census results through the technical assistance provided to the Agency on development of analytical report on 2009 census data and it's dissemination in Russian, Kazakh and English languages. The Agency on Statistics-led analytical report on the 2009 census developed through mobilized by UNFPA national consultant (along with UNFPA National Programme Officer) to draft the document, coordinate its development, facilitate its discussion and reach approval by the Agency on Statistics chaired national meeting. Analytical report disseminated in December 2011. UNFPA supported its dissemination through provided translation of the report into the Kazakh and English languages and production of CDs with electronic version of analytical report in three languages.

Technical assistance to the Committee on Statistics on 2019 Census: Support on introduction of the Geographical Informational System (GIS) for spatial mapping for 2020 Population and Housing Census: - needs of the Committee of Statistics on GIS introduction into the Census process assessed by international consultant (director of GeoSpace International, Johannesburg) mobilized by UNFPA (2016); - the collaboration between the Committee on Statistics and National Space agency “Garysh Sapary” established on introduction of GIS technologies and production of digital maps for census; - 27 specialists of the Committee on Statistics, its’ regional departments and the Information and Computing Center trained on theoretical and practical aspects of GIS application for digital mapping for census and geo-referral Population register through conducted trainings in the National Space agency “Garysh Sapary” (2017); - digital maps produced on Burabai region for pilot census(2017).

Technical assistance to the Committee on Statistics on 2019 Census: Strengthening capacity of CoS on methodological issues of population and housing census within the frame of 2020 round - CoS’ focal point specialists trained at the UNECE/Eurostat meeting on UN recommendations for 2020 Census. (Geneva, 2016-2017); 5 specialists of the Committee on statistics (2 specialists from the Committee on Statistics, two specialists of it's regional departments in pilot districts - Burabai and Zyrian, and 1 specialist of Information and computing Center under the Committee on Statistics) learned how to apply GIS technologies in the data collection process in the fields, during the study tour to Belorussia supported by UNFPA – October 2017;

Technical assistance to the Committee on Statistics on national surveys: Results of provided technical assistance to the Committee on Statistics Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted, data analyzed and results disseminated for monitoring of national development programmes (2006, 2011, 2016); 2015 national survey on domestic violence conducted, data collected and analyzed, analytical report developed and at the stage of finalization for dissemination (2016-2017); 2018 national survey on the program "Generations and Gender" (GGS) - building capacities of CoS staff on principles and methodological issues of GGS (2016) through mobilization of NIDI expertise; - CoS’s focal point specialists, including IT specialist, learned how to apply information technologies for data collection in the fields and data processing. - Content of GGS questionnaire discussed at the workshops, pre-tested, agreed and approved by the government (2017); - Road map on GGS preparation discussed and agreed by Steering Committee and Technical Working Group (2017) - GGS Sample designed and listing conducted (2018)   - The knowledge network on applying NIDI technologies in the GGS data collection process created in the Committee on Statistics - 32 specialists of regional statistical departments from 16 regions and 8 core staff members (2018) - Core competencies of 160 field work interviewers enhanced on using NIDI technologies in GGS data collection process during regional cluster trainings conducted in Astana, Almaty, Shymkent and Aktobe cities (March 2018). - GGS data collection field works started from 16 April (to be finalized by 31 July 2018).