Biosphere 2 March 4th, 5th and 6th 2015 6th Grade Field Trip Biosphere 2 March 4th, 5th and 6th 2015
Biosphere 2 Facts What is the Biosphere 2? Space Biospheres Ventures bought the property in 1984 and began construction of the current facility in 1986 to research and develop self-sustaining space-colonization technology. Two missions, between 1991 and 1994, sealed Biospherians inside the glass enclosure to measure survivability. Behind this highly public exercise was useful research that helped further ecological understanding. Columbia University managed it from 1996-2003 and reconfigured the structure for a different mode of scientific research, including a study on the effects of carbon dioxide on plants. Columbia also built classrooms and housing for college students of earth systems science. The University of Arizona assumed ownership of Biosphere 2 in July 2011. The University helps fund Biosphere 2 operations and some research projects. Other grants and awards, primarily from the National Science Foundation, also support research activities.
Where is the Biosphere 2? Biosphere 2 is located north of Tucson, Arizona at the base of the stunning Santa Catalina Mountains. This one-of-a-kind facility sits on a ridge at a cool elevation of nearly 4000 feet and is surrounded by a magnificent natural desert preserve.
What will the students be doing at the B2? Students will be participating in 5 different modules all aimed at increasing the students’ awareness and understanding of the Earth and its various systems. Students will learn about the impact of the water cycle on Earth’s systems and the impact of human actions on the Earth’s resources. Lastly students will be participate in daily reflections and journaling to help them make connections to their classroom education.
Cost The cost per student is $180 not including the charter buses that we will have to take to get the students to the site. We are asking for families to pay $65 per student and you can do that through tax credit or pay by check or cash. If this amount should cause a hardship to your family please let us know so that we can work out an alternative. Since the price tag is pretty high we are asking for parents to help with fund raising efforts.
Parents we need your help? Tax Credit money $200 single, $400 joint. Chaperones Boo Grams and other fund raising events. Fall festival 6th grade booth Planning committee Extended family members can donate through tax credit
B2 Updates Updates to the field trip will be added to the 6th Grade page All forms and FAQ’s will be posted on the Biosphere 2 page Please make sure that you signed up for Remind Please email Mrs. Iyer for questions and clarifications