Bellringer Name 2 major European cities involved the development of mass society. Name 2 famous women who fought for women’s rights. 7/2/2019
The National State and Democracy Chapter 13 The National State and Democracy 7/2/2019
Western Europe: Democracy Central & Eastern Europe: Vs. The Old Order Great Britain Germany France Austria-Hungary Italy Russia 7/2/2019
Western Europe Great Britain France Italy 7/2/2019
Western Europe Great Britain France Italy 7/2/2019
Britain Two- parliamentary system { Liberal & Conservative Party} * Both competed for control of congress. 7/2/2019
Western Europe Great Britain France Italy 7/2/2019
France Third Republic replaced the 2nd Napoleonic Empire. Premier {Prime Minister} - Head of Gov’t. - Responsible to the Chamber of Deputies - Remained in power b/c Parliament was very weak. {too many parties} 7/2/2019
France Principle of ministerial responsibility – the idea that the prime minister is responsible to the popularly elected legislative body and not the chief executive – is crucial for democracy. 7/2/2019
Western Europe Great Britain France Italy 7/2/2019
Italy Unity wasn’t easy. Conflict b/w labor & industry weakened the nation. Gov’t corruption could not deal with the conflict. 7/2/2019
Eastern Europe Germany Austria-Hungary Russia 7/2/2019
Eastern Europe Germany Austria-Hungary Russia 7/2/2019
Germany Otto Von Bismarck provided a two house legislature. {He kept Germany from being democratic} Prime Minster Bismarck 7/2/2019
Germany 2 House Legislature Lower house (Reichstag) was elected on universal male suffrage. Gov’t ministers reported to the emperor, not the legislature. 7/2/2019
Emperor controlled the gov’t, army, and policies. Under William II {1888-1918}, Germany had the strongest military and the strongest industry in Europe. 7/2/2019
Conservatives – landowning nobility and big industrialists – tried to stifle the demands for democracy by supporting a strong foreign policy. 7/2/2019
Eastern Europe Germany Austria-Hungary Russia 7/2/2019
Austria-Hungary Francis Joseph {Emperor} ignored the new constitution in the new empire. He had difficulties with all the nationalities in the Empire. {Poles, Slavs, Czechs} 7/2/2019
Eastern Europe Germany Austria-Hungary Russia 7/2/2019
Russia Nicholas II – absolute power. Industrialization hit after 1890s. (4th largest behind U.S., Ger., and G.B.) Gov’t repressed the rise of Socialist parties. 7/2/2019
On the Winter Plaza, soldiers opened fire on protesters. The men killed hundreds of protesters – known as “Bloody Sunday”. It forced Nicholas II to create a Duma. {Legislature} 1887 “Bloody Sunday” 7/2/2019
Back Home in the United States 7/2/2019
United States I: Aftermath of the Civil War: 1/5 of adult white males died from the south. 4 million slaves freed. 13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment Freed Slaves Defined citizenship Right to vote for A.A. Males 7/2/2019
International Rivalries 7/2/2019
He feared France would raise and army and oppose Germany. 1871, Bismarck knew Germany upset the balance of power set in 1815 in Vienna. He feared France would raise and army and oppose Germany. In 1882 Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy set up the Triple Alliance. 7/2/2019
Crisis in the Balkans 7/2/2019
Crisis in the Balkans Allies of Austria-Hungary and of Russia were determined to support the countries on their sides. In 1914 each side viewed the other with suspicion and hostility. 7/2/2019
Review What was the Triple Alliance? What was the 13th Amendment? What was the Russian Legislature? 7/2/2019