Technical report on emerging substances WG D meeting 28 March 2012, Brussels Agenda 6.a Technical report on emerging substances Peter Pärt EEA
Emerging contaminants in European waters Workshop at the European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 5-6 december 2011 Objectives Do we need to be concerned by emerging contaminants? What is the evidence for ecotoxicological and human health effects? Which emerging contaminants including mixtures could be listed as being of specific concern? In identifying these, the workshop will provide support to the JRC/European Commission’s development of a prioritized “watch list” of contaminants of concern. What type of environmental matrices are the most appropriate and cost-efficient to monitor for these contaminants. Approaches for risk management. In the absence of evidence and information – which risk management strategy to follow? How to define testing strategies?
Emerging contaminants in European waters Workshop at the European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 5-6 december 2011 Participants (Totally: 55) European Union bodies (DG ENV, JRC, EFSA, EEA) EU Member State authorities (UBA, Germany, Swedish EPA, Danish Institute for Public Health) Academia (scientists from EU Member States + Switzerland + Norway) Water monitoring networks (NORMAN) Industry (CEFIC, CONCAWE, Akzo-Nobel, Unilever, Pfizer)
Emerging contaminants in European waters Workshop at the European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 5-6 december 2011 Issues discussed: Pharmaceuticals Hormones (endocrine disrupters) Antibiotics (antimicrobial resistance) Cytostatica (from cancer treatment) Anti-inflamatory drugs Personal Care Products Cosmetics, detergents, perfumes Nanomaterials New industrial chemicals
Emerging contaminants in European waters Workshop at the European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 5-6 december 2011 Publication: Workshop report: ”Emerging Contaminants in European Waters” (EEA Technical Report, during the autumn 2012)
Other EEA reports in the same area: Emerging contaminants in European waters Workshop at the European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 5-6 december 2011 Other EEA reports in the same area: Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (EEA Technical Report No 1/2010 Hazardous substances in Europe’s fresh and marine waters (EEA Technical Report No 8/2011) Aquatic ecotoxicology – can we improve its influence on policies and risk management (EEA Technical Report, in press 2012) The impacts of endocrine disrupters on wildlife, people and their environments. The Weybridge+15 (1996–2011) Report. (EEA Technical Report, in press 2012)