Bethune Elementary device roll out Personalize learning and technology integration 2017-2018
Technology integration goals Conduct a technology interest survey for teachers Students will complete Digital Citizenship lessons by 9/29/17 Teacher device acceptable use policy 2017 Student and parent or guardian device user agreement and digital citizen contract must be signed prior to deployment Device deployment will begin 9/19/17 Vanguard/ PL committee will mentor a teacher on each grade Tech Tuesdays will be designed to assist teachers in integrating technology for personalized learning.
How to check out devices Hours of availability Monday 8:30am – 2:15pm Tuesday 7:15am -2:15pm Please read over the acceptable use policy carefully and turned in a signed copy Please ensure that reason for use is carefully stated in lesson plan and usage is monitored the entire time devices are checked out. Classroom devices (devices checked out to your room) are based on teacher’s technology Tier. (Tier 1 specified use of resources, Tier II some flexibility on the usage and resources not fully limited, Tier III full control over usage and resources are not limited) Addition devices for checkout- must be checked out on a daily basis. ALL acceptable use policies still apply. Teacher is responsible for returning all devices daily.
Check out forms *Devices are available only for educational and academic purposes and usage must be aligned to instruction Teachers must sign out for the Device carts daily and all carts must be returned by 2:15pm Please have students sign off for the device on the student device form for monitoring purposes Teachers assigned the entire cart must ensure that all bins are properly stored and secured by 2:15pm
Storage of device for return All devices (laptops, iPads, and Surfaces are to be securely stored during your check out and must be returned by 2:15 PM daily. Check all the devices and ensure that they are in good condition. Next, make sure students are logged off of devices by asking them to show you the device. Lastly ask the students to shut the devices down or power off. Teachers will put the devices back in the carts, and charge the device for the next day Teachers will push the carts back to the media center vault (or designated storage space) Plug the cart back in the outlets for the next user (Fridays are the only days that we do NOT charge the carts)
Surface troubleshooting First, please try to restart the device if you are experiencing any issues such as connectivity issues, password locks, etc. Second, if restart does not fix the issue please make sure that you have selected fcs wifi, then make sure you are on the correct server: fcboe\ (teachers) fcboestu\ (students) If you are having issues with the curser not coming up please let the teacher gentle unattach the keyboard and reattach. Please do NOT allow a student to do this. If you have tried all of the steps above you may need to submit a tech support ticket.
Tier I users Tier I users are allowed specific use of resources on the device to provide guidance and efficient use of the technology. In this Tier the teacher begins to introduce technology tools to deliver curriculum content to students. County provided resources: Launchpad, iread, Individual/group student use of tools where information is passively recieved Technology used to deliver instruction: brainpop/jr, tumble books, discovery education, safari montage, etc. Students must be given step by step task and monitoring and modeling of usage must be consistent.
Tier II users Tier II users are allowed some flexibility on the usage and resources not fully limited to a specific list. In this group teachers will direct students in conventional and procedural use of technology tools. Edmodo, one note, office 365 Students actively engages with information through procedural use of tools Conventional ways to collaborate (email or Edmodo) Teachers provide guided use of technology, activities, and lessons with some meaningful context. Students must be monitored and guidance must be provided for the procedure, plan of use, and modeling of usage must be consistent.
Tier Iii Users Tier III users have full control over usage and resources are not limited as long as they are curriculum based and within the guidelines of FCS policies. In this group adaptation is taking place and students are exploring and independently using technology tools in a meaningful and innovative way. Collaborations Multi media projects Creative exploration Independent, purposeful use of tools to plan, some student choice in exploration and innovations.
Vanguard mentoring Bethune’s Vanguard team will mentor a class on each grade level to assist with and model personalized learning activities through technology integration. Simmasouk: K- Holmes 1st- Coombs Bagby: 2nd-Anderson 3rd-Small Hollis: 4th-
Project 2020 outlook 2017-2018-Device roll out, clear transition through the levels of technology integration from one level to the next. Tier I-transition from active to adoptive Tier II-transition from adoptive to adaptation Tier III-transition from adaptation to infusion Our goal is to provide instruction on the Infusion level of technology integration by 2018-2019 school year We are aiming Bethune to integrate technology at a Transformational Level by 2020!
Transitioning between tiers Tier I – Teacher will learn how to create a lessons that will actively engage students. Prepare students for collaborative uses of tools to build knowledge and guided uses of technology. Create 3 meaningful lessons where you guide students through a goal directed meaningful activity using different media formats. Tier II – Teacher will begin to model and introduce the use of different technology tools to in meaningful activities where students will be given choice in tools to use in innovative multimedia projects. Teachers must introduce different tools and complete at least 3 multimedia projects with students. Tier III- Teacher will integrate technology in a goal directed way where students show flexible and seamless use of tools to plan and monitor growth and progress. Students use choice of tools regularly and can perform self directed activities. Prepare students to use tools in an unconventional way where there is meaningful collaboration in activities. Independent, higher order thinking lessons, using multi media resources to promote an authentic learning experience.