Grammar Jeopardy By: Mrs. Cervantes
Subject/ Verb Agree-ment Pronouns Verb Tense Sentences Subject/ Verb Agree-ment Parts of Speech 100 150 200 250 300 Double Jeopardy
Pronouns-$100 The subject pronoun in the following sentence: We saw photos of a tsunami. Answer
Home What is “we”?
Pronouns $150 The object pronoun in the following sentence: A ship can sink if waves dump enough water on it. Answer
Home What is “it”?
The pronouns to be used in the first person. Answer
Home What is I, me, my, our, we, us?
The pronouns to be used in the 3rd person-limited. Answer
What are he, she, it, them, they? Home What are he, she, it, them, they?
Name the possessive pronouns. Answer
What are my, ours, your, yours, his, hers, its, theirs? Home What are my, ours, your, yours, his, hers, its, theirs?
Verb Tense $100 Identify all the present-tense verbs in the following sentence: Jean grasps her special fat pencil. Answer
Home What is “grasps”?
Verb Tense $150 Write the correct form of the present-tense verb in parentheses: Sam (help) with the dough. Answer
Home What is “helps”?
Verb tense $200 Change the verb in parentheses to the past-tense form of the word: The young snakes (grow) very rapidly. Answer
Home What is “grew”?
Verb Tense $250 Change the verb to a future tense verb: He carries the lunch box to the cafeteria. Answer
Home What is “will carry”?
Verb Tense $300 Write the past and future tenses of the verb teach. Answer
What are “taught” and “will teach”? Home What are “taught” and “will teach”?
Sentences $100 Name the type of sentence: How did Lucette fly out the window? Answer
What is “interrogative sentence”? Home What is “interrogative sentence”?
Sentences $150 Name the type of sentence: That was hot! Answer
Home What is “exclamatory”?
Sentences $200 Name the missing part of the following sentence: The boys. Answer
What is “the predicate” or “verb”? Home What is “the predicate” or “verb”?
Sentences $250 Name the missing part of the following sentence: Sitting on a branch. Answer
Home What is “the subject”?
Sentences $300 Name the missing part(s) of the following sentence: the forest is full of many different sounds Answer
What are “capital letter” and “period”? Home What are “capital letter” and “period”?
Subject/Verb Agreement $100 Choose the verb form in parentheses that agrees with the subject: All the students (marks, mark) their own papers. Answer
Home What is “mark”?
Subject/Verb Agreement $150 Choose the verb form in parentheses that agrees with the subject: Then Ruth and Stella (march, marches) up to Jean’s desk. Answer
Home What is “march”?
Subject/Verb Agreement $200 Write the correct tense of the verb in parentheses: Yesterday, Leigh (experiment) with some new rhymes. Answer
What is “experimented”? Home What is “experimented”?
Subject/Verb Agreement $250 Write the correct tense of the verb in parentheses: Tomorrow, he (visit) Barry’s house after school. Answer
Home What is “will visit”?
Subject/Verb Agreement $300 Write the correct tense of the verb in parentheses: Barry hopes that Leigh (help) make a burglar alarm. Answer
Home What is “will help”?
Parts of Speech $100 Name the part of speech: flew Answer
What is verb?
Parts of Speech $150 Name the part of speech: Alaska Answer
What is proper noun?
Parts of Speech $200 Name the part of speech: quickly Answer
What is adverb?
Parts of Speech $250 Name the part of speech: brothers Answer
What is plural noun?
Parts of Speech $300 Change the part of speech to a noun: borrowed Answer
What is “borrower”?
Prepositional Phrases DOUBLE JEOPARDY QUESTION Category: Prepositional Phrases Risk what amount? You will have 20 seconds to answer. DOUBLE JEOPARDY QUESTION
Question Name the prepositional phrase in the sentence: At that time, a woman astronomer was unusual. Answer
ANSWER What is “at that time”? Click here
The End Total your points. Great work, everyone!!!