Houston’s first term as president: p 318-324 Lamar’s term as president: p 325-331 Houston’s second term: p 334-337 Jones’ term as president: p 372-377 1 – Annexation 2 – Relations with Mexico 3 – Armed Forces Policy 4 – Native American Policy 5 – Domestic Policy (Money) 6 - Anson Jones
The Republic of Texas
Domestic Policy ~ plan for how a government will handle issues inside a country Foreign Policy ~ plan for how a government will handle issues outside a country The Republic of Texas faced many issues. As a table decide which of the following issues were domestic policy issues and which were foreign policy issues. *annexation *Native Americans *armed forces *Mexico *finances *education of the people *capitol location
Comparison of Sam Houston and Mirabeau Lamar as President of Republic of Texas.
never survive on its own Annexation Houston never survive on its own Lamar expansion
Annexation ?? “It is policy to hold out the idea that we are very able to sustain ourselves against any power…yet I am free to say to you that we cannot do it.” ?? “I shall feel that the blood of our martyred heroes had been shed in vain.”
Armed Forces Lamar Houston keep cost down solve man problem built a new army after removing officers loyal to Houston. Bought one ship and had 6 more ordered to be built. Houston keep cost down solve man problem
Armed Forces ?? The only way to ensure our empire is to defeat our enemies.
Relations with Mexico Houston Lamar sent Santa Anna to the U.S. to try to get them to annex Texas. Lamar not afraid of another war with Mexico offered MX $$ to recognize Rio Grande as border Santa Fe expedition
Relations with Mexico ??: Negotiation is the only way to a lasting peace. ??: The only way to ensure our empire is to defeat our enemies.
Native American Policy Houston Houston had lived w/Cherokees treaties and trading posts in west Texas Lamar blocked expansion Defeated the Cherokees, who had ties with Mexico. Council House Fight
Relations with Natives ??: We must maintain peace with our Indian neighbors. ??: Indians are inferior and have no right to any land in the Republic of Texas. ??: I am aware that in presenting myself as the advocate of the Indians and their rights, I shall stand very much alone.
Domestic Policy Houston Lamar build a public school system gain control of the army. 2. keep peace in Texas - war costs money. 3. Wanted to get Texas out of debt…taxes, borrow from USA, etc. Lamar build a public school system 2. “Father of Texas Education”. 3. $$$$$$$ 4. Austin 5. Texas Redback
Finances ??: The cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. ??: We are too far in debt to do anything else but reduce spending. ??: In order for our empire to succeed, money must be spent.