Scientific Revolution Follow Up to the Renaissance
Changing Views of the Universe Original View of the Universe Aristotle was the accepted expert Earth was thought to be the center of the universe, known as geocentric. Ptolemy was the champion of this view point. Church accepted this point of view and all other view points were seen as heresy.
Challenges to this View Copernicus and Kepler In 1543 Copernicus published his findings that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the universe. Idea is called heliocentric Kepler took Copernicus’ idea one step further and showed the rotation of the planets around the sun. These orbits were believed to be oval-shaped and were called ellipses.
Galileo New Scientific Method Lived in Italy and used a telescope to look at the moons of Jupiter He was condemned by the Church He was placed under house arrest and was threatened with death New Scientific Method New approached on observation and experimentation, which Plato had said years before Descartes Believed the only thing in the world is doubt and in order to doubt he had to rationalize Famous saying, “I think therefore I am”
Isaac Newton Robert Boyle Francis Bacon Law of gravity- single force attracts objects to each other. Creates the discipline of calculus Robert Boyle Studied chemistry Boyle’s Law, volume of gas varies with the pressure exerted on it Francis Bacon Develops the Scientific Method
Breakthrough in Medicine Vesalius comes up with the first accurate and detailed study of human anatomy Blood circulation was discovered to be from the heart and people have one type of blood. Did work with artificial limbs and surgical techniques