Metric Review.


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Presentation transcript:

Metric Review

International System of Units (SI) Base of 10 1 meter= 100 centimeters= 1000 millimeters Standard units: Mass= gram (g) Length= meter (m) Volume= liter (l) or cubic centimeter (cm³) All measurements have a number and a unit

Area The amount of surface within given boundaries A= length X width A= L x W Units= square centimeters (cm²)

Volume of Regular Solid Objects The amount of space an object “takes up” V= length X width X height V= L x W x H Units= cm³ (cubic centimeters)

Volume of Irregular Solid Objects Use the water displacement method in a graduated cylinder V= Final measurement – Initial measurement

Volume of Liquid Measured in a graduated cylinder Units= liters (L) 1 ml = 1 cm³

Mass The measure of the amount of matter in an object Measured with a balance scale Weight= the measure of the force of gravity on a mass Measured with a spring scale Mass is not equal to weight

Density The amount of matter in a given volume D= mass D= m/V VD= m Units= g/cm³

Temperature Measured with thermometer SI unit for temperature = Celsius (C) Celsius scale is based on the freezing and boiling points of water Freezing= 0 °C Boiling= 100 °C SI unit for extreme temperature= Kelvin Based on absolute 0 (0 K) or -273.15 °C

Temperature Conversions Fahrenheit to Celsius ° F = °C (9/5) + 32 Celsius to Fahrenheit °C = (°F – 32) (5/9) Celsius to Kelvin K = °C = 273.15 Kelvin to Celsius °C = K - 273.15

Converting SI Base Units khd b dcm m l g k= kilo m= meters d= deci h= hecto l= liters c= centi D= deca g= grams m= milli Small to Big= move decimal to the left  Big to small = move decimal to the right 