National Report Germany (2013/2014) Christoph Bildstein
Evolution of the market situation (1) Quantities (container glass) 2013 collection + industrial glass: ~ 2,3 Mio. t 2013 vs. 2012 - no change of demand in all colours; - less demand for some furnaces due to repairs was compensated by higher demand for running furnaces 2014 (01 – 06) - supply and demand is nearly balanced; - still reduced cullet input for US products small surplus for green cullet (flat glass + automotive glass) - no reliable figures available - demand higher than supply (to reduce lead content in container glass)
Evolution of the market situation (2) Quality (container glass) Quality is still increasing as result of investments in nearly all plants - Lead - HR - CSP (limit: 20 g/t) - New topic: Fines (< 6 mm) Glass producers No change concerning producers and/or furnaces
Atmosphere between Recycling Companies and … … glass producers: good - open and fair discussions with BV Glass - glass producers honor progress in quality … authorities: could be better - German government and politicians are still not really interested in recycling. - Municipalities take over more and more jobs which are done by private companies (f.e. collection). - Environment authorities don´t really controll green dot systems. … green dot systems: could be much better - money is much more important than quality some dual systems sail close to the wind
Export/Import issues EOW situation Export (on low level) no problems with authorities Import (on low level) no problems with authorities EOW situation Problem with verifiying the management system; Article 5 (4. + 5.). Allthough every German glass recycler is running a management system for lots of years Most of the German verifiers were not legalised or didn´t know how to handle.