Year 3/4 Curriculum Overview Topic: What lurks in the rainforest? SCIENCE ENGLISH MATHS LIVING THINGS First half term Plants How do plants grow? What do they need? Investigation: How will different condition affect the rate of plant growth? Second half term Animals and Habitats Classifying different types of animals, looking at the food chain and discussing an animal’s hierarchy of needs. Investigation: What sort of habitat do woodlice like best? – linked to DT bug hotels First half term Narrative: Pie Corbett Using the Gruffalo story to inspire some creative forest setting stories. Second half term Non-chronological reports We will be creating a class database on rainforest animals by conducting independent research and compiling information in the form of a report. Continuing multiplication and division Fractions Measure: weight and capacity Area Money We will also begin some National Test preparation this term. HOME LEARNING Reading, reading, reading! Children will also have some spellings and times tables to learn which will come home in a home/school book. Year 3/4 Curriculum Overview Term Spring 2019 Topic: What lurks in the rainforest? ART OTHER CURRICULUM Gond tribal art project Followed by: A look at the work of Henri Rousseau TOPIC Rainforest: Geography based PE: Games and fitness with Mr Hamilton RE: The Easter Story Music: ‘STOP!’ Hip-hop rap music linked to anti-bullying (PSHE) Followed by the Carnival of the Animals by the French Romantic composer Camille Saint-Saëns Class novel: The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling We will be asking and answering: Where in the world do we find rainforests? What grows in a rainforest? Who lives in a rainforest? What animals can be found in a rainforest? WELSH We will be working through the Matiau iaith to internalise some conversational questions and answers.