GREY REEF SHARK By Gabriel Laria
Names Common name: Grey reef shark Scientific name: Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos
Taxonomy Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Elasmobranhii Order: Carcharhiniformes Family: Carcharhinidae Genus: Carcharhinus Species: Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos
Size Maximum is about 34kg birth size is between 45-60cm maturity takes 7 to 7.5 yrs. Most measure up to 1.5 meters in length largest on record is 1.72 meters
Where they live They are found on continental and insular shelves and the oceanic waters adjacent to them. They are common on coral reefs, often in deeper areas near drop-offs, in atoll passes and in shallow lagoons adjacent to areas of strong currents Found throughout the indo-pacific, Madagascar, red sea, S. Africa, S. China, N. Australia, and Tuamota Archipelago to Hawaii
What they eat Reef fishes, squids, cephalopods, crabs, lobsters, and shrimps They tend to be aggressive under baited conditions and readily enter into an excited mob feeding pattern, which can become quite dangerous.
Other facts Has a life span of about 25 yrs They form schools during daylight hours in aggregations of up to 100 individuals and are more active at night.
Human Impact Coral Sea sharks could be "wiped out" Healthy but isolated shark populations and other marine species in Australia's Coral Sea are particularly vulnerable and could be wiped out by future fishing operations unless the area receives adequate protection.