Business Requirements – Dip System Entry Consistently adopted approach for critical mass of ATM transaction acquirers Best practices for messaging and prompts; recommended verbiage / media icons Proliferation of Dip readers in USA should necessitate special communication/education working committee action item
Impacts: Cardholder Experience & ATM System Entry: Summary of DIP vs. Motorized deployment in US (with existing Acquirers) how large is the gap? Well dispersed or geographically focused? “Dip as motorized” card management Summary of who returns card upon successful mag read in motorized world “new” to cardholders? (change behavior with EMV)?
Impacts: Cardholder Experience & ATM System Entry: Chaining – “on us” vs. “foreign” Forced removal of card during chip processing “double-dip” vs. reading service code and initializing chip upon insert Double dip is new behavior Reading mag/service code upon insert may not result in clean read