2012-13 Title I Participation Data Collection November 20, 2013 www.education.state.pa.us >
Pertinent Information Title I Part 12-13 = Name of Collection Title I participation data for 2012-13 school year at LEA level Collection open November 20 through December 6 PDE providing template week of November 20 Instructions and data descriptions in Appendix AE in 2013-14 PIMS Manual, Vol. 2 Data that was traditionally entered on the old Federal Programs e-grants system www.education.state.pa.us >
Problem #1 – Data Entry Following is text from the data entry form for the template provided: “Indicate the number of students receiving instructional services in Reading or Language Arts through a TAS program funded by Title I, Part A. A student may be counted once in any or each of the instructional areas listed in this section, as applicable. DO NOT enter any SWP data.” “Indicate the number of students receiving instructional services in Math through a TAS program funded by Title I, Part A. A student may be counted once in any or each of the instructional areas listed in this section, as applicable. DO NOT enter any SWP data.” www.education.state.pa.us >
Problem #1-Excel Sheet for Upload Everyday SD has a total of 100 TAS students and 40 SWP students. In the Instructional Services sample entries below, what error(s) has occurred? 03-CATEGORY 1 04-CATEGORY 2 05-CATEGORY 3 06-MEASURE TYPE 07-COUNT TAS SERVICE INSRLA COUNT 140 INSMATH 103 www.education.state.pa.us >
3 = Black or African American (not Hispanic) 4 = Hispanic (any race) Problem #2 - Data Entry Provide the unduplicated number of nonpublic students participating in Title I, Part A programs of the LEA. Provide the unduplicated number of public school students served by a Title I TAS program at any time during the regular school year (pre-kindergarten through grade 12) in the following race/ethnic category: 3 = Black or African American (not Hispanic) 4 = Hispanic (any race) 5 = White (not Hispanic) www.education.state.pa.us >
Problem #2-Excel Sheet for Upload Everyday SD has a total of 100 TAS students (divided between three race/ethnic categories) and 12 nonpublic students. In the “Ethnicity” sample entries below, what error(s) has occurred? 03-CATEGORY 1 04-CATEGORY 2 05-CATEGORY 3 06-MEASURE TYPE 07-COUNT NONPUBLIC SERVED TOTAL COUNT 12 TAS ETHNICITY 3 33 4 58 5 21 www.education.state.pa.us >
PARAS = Paraprofessionals CLERSUP = Clerical Support Problem #3 - Data Entry Provide the number of full-time equivalent staff funded by a Title I, Part A, TAS program. For staff working with both TAS and SWP programs, report only the FTE attributable to their TAS responsibilities. TEACHERS = Teachers PARAS = Paraprofessionals CLERSUP = Clerical Support OTHPARA = “Other” Paraprofessionals ADMNC = Administrative (Non-clerical) www.education.state.pa.us >
Problem #3-Excel Sheet for Upload Everyday SD has a total of 3.5 FTE teachers in their TAS program and 3.0 FTE teachers in their SWP program. In the “STAFF” sample entries below, what error(s) has occurred? 03-CATEGORY 1 04-CATEGORY 2 05-CATEGORY 3 06-MEASURE TYPE 08-AMOUNT TAS STAFF TEACHER AMOUNT 6.5 PARAS 2.0 CLERSUP 0.3 ADMNC 0.5 www.education.state.pa.us >
Questions? If you have questions regarding this Title I Part 12-13 data collection on PIMS, you may contact: Kelly Gallatin, Division of Federal Programs E-mail = kgallatin@pa.gov Phone = 717.783.3403 If you have technical questions regarding the PIMS upload process, you may contact: PIMS Support Services @ 800.661.2423 www.education.state.pa.us >
For more information on the Title I Part 12-13 data collection on PIMS please visit PDE’s website at www.education.state.pa.us The mission of the department is to academically prepare children and adults to succeed as productive citizens. The department seeks to ensure that the technical support, resources and opportunities are in place for all students, whether children or adults, to receive a high quality education. www.education.state.pa.us >