LCLS e- Beams System Overview DOE Review of the LCLS Project February 7 - 9, 2006 David Schultz e- Beams Systems Manager LCLS - SLAC
The Path Forward Injector System Linac System Controls Undulator Installation has started. Linac System Preparing for ’06 installation and commissioning. Controls System development advancing. Undulator System is in fabrication Metrology Prepare for Undulator assembly and alignment
e-Beams Systems’ Status From PMCS through December Injector System (less Controls) 54% of work scheduled to be complete 49% performed (SPI=.91) Variances in, magnets, diagnostics and laser diagnostics 50% spent Linac System (less Controls) 22% of work scheduled to be complete 21% performed (SPI=.98) 17% spent Undulator (less Controls) 28% of work scheduled to be complete 23% performed (SPI=.84) Delays in MMF equipment procurement 23% spent
e-Beams Systems’ Status From PMCS through December Controls 20% of work scheduled to be complete 19% performed (SPI=.92) 17% spent Recent reschedule of controls procurements in Diagnostics, PPS, Timing Design was behind schedule, Schedule has been pushed out, up against ’06 installation. Power supplies and Vacuum electronics for ’06 installation Orders placed, delivery off by ~3 months, no install. impact
e-Beams System SPA
Major Long-Lead Purchase Items Estimate Actual Drive laser $1,500k $1,100k Streak camera $350k $300k RF gun $390k $430k Injector magnets $310k $190k Vacuum hardware $200k $210k Bunch compressor 1 $150k $130k Linac magnets $500k $320k (est) Magnet power supplies $810k $1,200k Magnet test bench CMM $490k $340k Totals $5,200k $4,720k
Installation Schedule 6 MeV 135 MeV 250 MeV 4.30 GeV 13.6 GeV Linac-0 L =6 m Linac-X L =0.6 m rf gun L0-a,b Linac-1 L 9 m Linac-2 L 330 m Linac-3 L 550 m 25-1a 30-8c ...existing linac 21-3b 24-6d 21-1 b,c,d X undulator L =130 m BC2 L 22 m BC1 L 6 m ‘Wall region’ DL2 L =275 m Injector, 2006 down Linac, 2007 down SLAC linac tunnel research yard
Injector Beamline Installation Drive Laser May 2006 Laser Launch July 2006 Gun Region July 2006 Accel Region June 2006 Heater Region June 2006 Wall Region October 2005 Injection Region Aug-Nov 2006 Spect Region Aug-Nov 2006 Gun installation November 2006 Following Hot Test in Klystron Lab Waveguide through wall and up penetration October 2005 Injector Installation Complete December 2006
Upcoming Level 3 milestones Milestone Baseline Updated Heater Region Installation Complete 2/6/06 5/31/06 RF Gun Ready for Installation 10/2/06 10/2/06 BC1 Ready for Installation 10/24/06 10/24/06 Start BC1 Commissioning 11/29/06 11/29/06 1st Article Undulator Rcvd @ SLAC 6/2/06 6/2/06 MMF Ready to Measure Prod Undulators 7/28/06 7/28/06
Injector System Installation Drive laser transport tube installed 10/14/05: The ceiling in the injector vault The first piece of installed LCLS beamline. Laser bldg. construction
October ‘05 Injector Installation Installed Injector beamline and waveguide in vault, to mate to Spring install schedule.
Injector/Linac Installation Access to the Injector vault. Laser facility construction through 2/06 Injector vault available for installation 3/06-11/06 Aug.- Nov. 2006 accelerator down Install to end of Injector spectrometer Install Linac to Bunch Compressor 1 dump BC1 bunch length (feedback) monitor is at risk PPS connection to SLAC Linac & certification
Injector/Linac Commissioning Commission drive laser 6/06-11/06 Needs laser safety system certification The design is well along, FDR 3/06 Coordinate with Injector installation in vault Dec. 2006 to Aug. 2007 Commission electron beam through Injector and BC1 Occurs during B-factory operations. Need Injector SAD, ARR by 11/06
PPS/BCS Development and Integration Manager Mike Saleski Arrived 1/1 Responsible for PPS and BCS LCLS-wide System design and reviews Radiation shielding design Stoppers and stopper systems’ design Approval by the SLAC citizen committees
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review (1) Design Reviews Component and System PDRs and FDRs are being conducted following LCLS guidelines. SLAC Citizen’s Committees will participate in the review process, following normal SLAC practice. Commissioning Plan Paul Emma heads the LCLS Commissioning planning team, developing a detailed plan and schedule for the process.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review (2) Safety Assessment Document (SAD) LCLS will be integrated into the SLAC Linear Accelerator Facility SAD. SLAC is coordinating the revision of the SAD. The LCLS Injector sections will be incorporated by June 2006. Accelerator Readiness Review (ARR) LCLS ARR for Injector Commissioning will begin September and be completed in November 2006. LCLS Commissioning/Operations Working Group The Working Group’s role is to coordinate the execution of the tasks noted above and assure the plan is met.
New Head of LCLS Controls Hamid Shoaee Arrived 1/23 LANCE Controls Group Leader Recent experience with SNS Linac control system and the SNS Controls and Automation group Previously in the SLAC Controls Dept.
Controls PPS Diagnostics Timing A PLC based system, new for SLAC, an increased burden for approval. Injector PPS system, PLC logic and PLC implementation design reviews are scheduled, to be complete by June. Additional experienced manpower from APS, new hire at SLAC. Diagnostics Stripline BPM system, charge monitor toroids, now under control with enhanced participation from SLAC Controls personnel. Timing PNET VME timing board is under test, operating well. Diamond timing system hardware is here to test integrated operation with the PNET board. Increased participation from SLAC Controls personnel
Undulator At APS the Undulator system components are being designed and fabricated. Undulator components, 1st art. assembly, on order RF BPMs under development for beam testing Good progress on Quads, Vac. chamber, BFW, motion At SLAC the schedule for Undulator girder assembly and precision alignment is under revision Delivery sequence, available space, MMF capacity
Undulator Group Assistant Manager Rodd Pope Arrived 1/1 Responsible for Assembly, integration and installation of the Undulator system at SLAC Interface with the Argonne LCLS Undulator Group on Undulator components Working with Conventional Facilities group ensuring the environmental stability of the tunnel and the MMF Metrology group for Undulator precision assembly and installation Controls group for the specification and installation of infrastructure.
Metrology Preparing for undulator/girder assembly Mag. Meas. Fac. BO 3/06 1st article undulator due at SLAC 6/06 Test bench for magnetic meas. due 6/06 CMM for precision alignment due 4/06 (Coordinate Measuring Machine) Wire Position Monitoring, Hydrostatic Leveling systems are under development at SLAC WPM resolution & drift < 100nm/day
Strong Support for LCLS from SLAC groups LLRF and RF hardware Klystron dept. design and fabrication of critical LLRF hardware, RF gun, X-band klystron, RF diagnostics Power Conversion Specifying, purchasing and installing magnet power systems. Controls and Power Electronics Cable plant, vacuum systems, BPM electronics. High level application development. PPS/BCS development. Radiation Physics Shielding analysis for Conventional Facilities Simulations for Stopper and Beam Dump designs Metrology Strong support from the Metrology group for Undulator assembly Shops and Accelerator Dept. Operations Successful October downtime coordination and installation. Recovery of hardware from SLC Arcs and FFTB
Conclusion The next 6 months Injector installation Laser commissioning Aug.-Nov. ’06 downtime preparations SAD & ARR approval PPS and BCS preparation Undulator girder assembly and measurement