Senior English 10/29/18 What are some of the rights confiscated outright by the Party? What is the most difficult for Winston to lose? What do you call.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 10/29/18 What are some of the rights confiscated outright by the Party? What is the most difficult for Winston to lose? What do you call a cow that doesn’t give milk? Bastinado – to torture by beating on the soles of the feet with a stick. Goals – Discuss part 3 quotes. Homework –Don’t forget to study for Vocab Final Makeup or redo Tuesday and Thursday after school. Vocab 8 On Thursday. An udder failure.

Senior English 10/30/18 Is a person with a smaller vocabulary limited in their range of thought? Do he/she think less? Does that make he/she easier to control as 1984 suggests? Do you have any counter examples? What do birds do before they work out? Coruscate – to give off glitter or sparkles of light; to be brilliantly witty. Goals – Discuss the effects of controlling language and communication. Homework – Free write on the possibility of you using this as the big idea for your paper. Study for Make-up today or Thursday? They do worm ups.

Senior English 10/31/18 How would the Party be weakened if it could not use surveillance on it’s citizens? Why was the jelly so stressed out? Copacetic – fine; completely satisfactory; OK. Goals – Discuss the theme of technology and the forth ammendment. Homework – Study for vocabulary make-up? Catch up on reading and journals? It was spread too thin. .

Senior English 11/1/18 Five minutes to study for vocab 8. Where do pigs go for a rest? Adoxography – writing cleverly on a trivial subject Goals – Successfully complete and correct quiz 8. Homework – Think about the essential question from the assignment sheet. Take vocab make-up after school today? To their Ham-mock!.

Senior English 11/2/18 In general, do your feel our world is heading in a positive or negative direction? Why? Are any of your feelings based upon technology? Government? Politics? Religion? He’s such a good salesman that if you were shipwrecked and treading water, he could sell you an anvil. Jeeter – an ill-mannered slob. Goals – Discuss the theme of Remembering the past. Do Sticky notes. Homework – Do sticky notes for any themes that you think might be easiest for you to write.