Henry Laurence Gantt Life’s duration = (1861- 23, Nov. 1919) Birth place = Calvert County, Maryland Citizenship = United State Field = Scientific Management Known for = Gantt Chart Position held = Mechanical Engineer & Management consultant He joined Frederick W. Taylor in applying scientific management principles for 1887 – 1893.
His famous invention - gantt charts To measure the foremen or supervisors output An important management tool today. It provides graphic shedule for the planning. Controlling of work. Recording progress towards stages of a project. The chart has a modern variation, Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). use of Gantt charts in major infrastructure projects such as Hoover Dam & Interstate Highway System.
Gantt Charts 1. the "man’s record", 2. the "daily balance of work 3 Gantt Charts 1.the "man’s record", 2. the "daily balance of work 3. "production cards
Another example of gantt chart
Example of Steelmaker NUCOR GROUP More recently, F. Kenneth Iverson, CEO of the steelmaker Nucor, has initiated a base wage system with bonuses tied to productivity. The base hourly wage is about $8. Bonuses are paid on employees' ability to turn out products in less than the standard time.
Henry Gantt’s Achievements Henry Gantt’s publications 1916, book "Work, Wages, and Profits“. 1919, book "Organizing for Work“. listed under Stevens Institute of Technology alumni. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) awards.