Forum for Air Quality Modelling in Europe


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Presentation transcript:

Forum for Air Quality Modelling in Europe FAIRMODE Forum for Air Quality Modelling in Europe Joint initiative of European Environment Agency (EEA- EIONET) and EC – JRC, Ispra Launched in 2007 in response to the requirements of the new Air Quality Directive (AQD) Unique features of the network: focus on activities supporting the implementation of the new AQD meant to be permanent - as opposed to COST activities and EU research projects

FAIRMODE main objectives Produce Guidance on the use of AQ models for assessing current and future air quality for the purposes of complying with the AQD Set up of common procedures for Model evaluation and assessment Establish common infrastructure that will facilitate harmonised model use in all Member States Make recommendations for the AQD revision planned for 2013

Structure Steering Committee: European Commission: DG-ENV, JRC (IES) EEA ETC-ACC EEA EIONET Experts Other Experts Working Groups: WG1 (lead by EEA) WG2 (lead by JRC) : 5 sub-groups in process of formation

Best modelling practices and model accreditation Structure / Work Plan FAIRMODE Work group 1 EEA-ETC/ACC Guidance on the use of models Quality assurance of models Best modelling practices and model accreditation Work group 2 JRC

What has been done…so far (1) A centralised web portal has been created

What has been done…so far (2) WG1 – Guidance Document on use of models, will be finalised in autumn 2009 Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Summary of the 2008 air quality directive Chapter 3. Interpretation of the directive in regard to modelling Chapter 4. Reporting when using models Chapter 5. Model validation, quality assurance and control Chapter 6. Application of models for assessment Chapter 7. Application of models for air quality planning Chapter 8. Special topics (non-anthropogenic contribution, source apportionment, AQ forecasting etc.) References Annexes I – IV Model selection and suitability, input data, Examples case studies

What has been done…so far (3) WG2 - Scoping Paper prepared - List of national reference points Sub-groups formation in progress: SG1 – Representativeness of stations from national AQ networks SG2 – Combination of modelling and monitoring and relevant uncertainties SG3 – Emission inventories and scenarios – uncertainties SG4 – Modelling Platform for Assessment of AQ (model intercomparison, evaluation criteria, benchmarking) SG5 – Contribution of natural sources, road dust and sea salt

First Plenary Meeting – 12 Oct. 2008, Cavtat, Croatia Meetings First Plenary Meeting – 12 Oct. 2008, Cavtat, Croatia Second Plenary Meeting – planned for autumn 2009, TFMM annual meeting