Week 11 Spelling Words
vision act of seeing 1
visible able to be seen 2
invisible not able to be seen 3
revise to look at again 4
supervise to oversee 5
video something that can be seen 6
evidence something that can be seen as proof 7
provide (give things) before you can see they are needed 8
providence the state of (giving things) before you can see they are needed 9
evident out to the eye (obvious) 10
jury a group that determines if something is against the law 11
jurisdiction to say something is the law 12
juror one who determines the law 13
conjure to create a plan against the law or oath 14
perjury go against the law or oath 15
astronaut one who goes to space 16
astronomical as big as space (very large); related to space 17
astrology the study of the stars to determine the future 18
astronomy the study of space 19
asterisk small star 20