Inputs Regard to “Test Phase” to TFCS from Japan TFCS (14)@OICA(Paris), 4,5 December 2018
Reminder The status of TFCS was reported in the 1st session of GRVA including a possibility of "test phase". GRVA requested further details on the "test phase" (who is participating, what is the timeline, which approach taken (round robin?), etc.). Those details shall be outlined to GRVA-02. (See the email titled “Feedback GRVA-01” which was provided by Mr. Schenkenberger on 10th Oct. 2018)
Japan’s understanding Firstly, the plan of "test phase“ should be agreed by TFCS members aligning with the “Options paper for test phase” (TFCS-14-08 submitted by Dr. Handley, UK). The products of "test phase“ should help the stakeholders who will use the both regulations proposed by TFCS without prejudicing their principles. In this view, guidance documents how to interpret the contexts of the both regulations could be the products. IWVTA-IWG’s “pre-test” may be a good example. Each CP checked UN-Regulation “No. 0” then a guidance how to interpret UNR No.0 was produced. IWVTA-IWG’s “Q&A-Document” for UNR No. 0(ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/109) may be a model as guidance documents.
Explanation to UN Regulation No. 0 on the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval — questions and answers (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/109)
Deadline of formal doc. for 181 session Suggested Schedule Suggested timeline for implementation TFCS-14 Paris 4-5 Dec. 2018 GRVA-2 Geneva 28 Jan.-1 Feb. 2019 Adopted by GRVA? WP29 177 March 2019 WP29 178 June 2019 GRVA-3 Geneva Sep. 2019 WP29 179 Nov. 2019 GRVA-4 Geneva Jan. 2020 Entry into force ? WP29 181 June 2020 WP29 180 March 2020 Deadline of formal doc. for 181 session Cyber Security & S/W update regulations* Administrative process by UN secretariat (6 months) Adopted by WP29? Q & A documents (Test phase’s product) Test phase Adopted by WP29? Adopted by GRVA? Remind: No need to follow „6 months rule“ because „Q&A documents“ are not regulations. *This schedule may be affected depending on the progress of ALKF regulation drafting by ACSF IWG.