Does hot water freeze faster than cold water? By: Kaleiah Hollis Grade 8
Hypothesis The cold water will freeze faster because it is already cold.
Independent Variable water
Dependent Variable The coldness
Controlled Variables The freezer
Materials Beakers, metal plate or stove burner, cover for the beaker, thermometers, freezer, stove, Oven mitt, gram scale, clock or timer.
Procedure do your background research so that you know about the terms, concepts and questions. Choose 4 more initial temps. To test and follow the same procedure A. measure a chosen volume of water B. cover the beaker C. heat the water D. weigh the beaker and water then place it in the freezer. E. monitor the temp and record how long it takes to reach 0 degrees F. weigh the beaker and water at the end of the experiment to see how much water evaporated while in the freezer G. repeat the experience at least 3 times
Abstract My experiment was on the question, “ Does hot water freeze faster than cold water?” I think the cold water will freeze faster because it is already cold. My experiment will be based on these two things.
Conclusion As you can see my hypothesis was wrong. The hot water froze faster than the cold water. I thought the cold water would freeze first because it is col already but I was incorrect.