Doctoral education in Azerbaijan Presentation of preliminary findings, July 1. 2016
Mission statements Doctoral education in Azerbaijan will be directed towards the European system of higher education that is described in the Bologna Process document. The goal of the doctoral education in Azerbaijan is to enhance the production of top level scientific and technological knowledge and to educate increasing number of professional scientists and engineers. The aim is to make current doctoral study programs compatible with the European programs before 2020
System of doctoral studies in Azjerbaijan (from the point of view of PhD candidate Ministry of Education HAC Appointment as a graduate student, funding Defense of Dissertation Doctor of Sc. Diploma Academy of Science Universities Research Facilities, Supervision, career as A scientist Supervision and Research- environment, pre-defence for PhD
New system of doctoral studies in Azjerbaijan (from the point of view of PhD candidate) Effective allocation of funds and resources for research Effective support of scientific work High quality PhD - Science and research policy International connections Funding for research environment Evaluation Graduate Studies 4 yrs. Awarding doctoral degrees and appointing post-docs - Funding of research, International contacts and contracts, Scientific advisory boards. Post-doc University Acad.of Science Min. of Education
Curricula Recommendations: Identified problems: Two (PhD + doctorate) degrees, PhD programs are not using credit point system, doctoral studies are without clear curricula. There is lack of research infrastructure and support services (no free access to electronic databases and student exchange programs) Recommendations: Fast track changes: Giving up the two level PhD- degree and replacing it by one, high quality PhD - degree, launching post-doctoral programs, sharpening the scientific content of the doctoral programs (substituting philosophy with courses on research design and methods course + courses on writing a scientific article). Improvements of research infrastructure (providing free access to electronic databases, new laboratories and facilities and giving access to international exchange programs). Slow track changes: Step-by step transformation of doctoral programs in high quality universities. Giving up the two level PhD – degree and replacing Doctor of Science degree by post-doc programs and posts in universities.
Making the system more cost- efficient Identified problem: Current PhD-system is too costly because there are too many units and two parallel systems of research and training. This results low salaries and low status PhD programs that don’t attract the best brains. Doctoral study system is also too diverse and it is difficult to ensure the quality of programs. Academy of Science has plans to enter the area of universities by launching MA and PhD programs. Higher attestation commisson is power institution, but there are long waiting list for defense and approval of diplome. Fast track changes: Concentrating the higher education and research into large and competitive universities. This will rationalize operational costs and help pooling resources to improve research infrastructure. PhD study should be recognized as an important work and adequate salary should be granted for committed students. Independent PhD-work should be an exception. We also recommend merging of Academy of Science research institutes into universities and reorganizing Academy of Science as funding and science policy agency. Slow track changes: Step-by step merger of Academy of Science and universities, Providing autonomy to large and competitive universities. They should have right to grant and award a PhD degrees. Testing the new system by opening full time and well salaried PhD and post-doc positions in the strategic research areas (for instance medicine, oil and gas, and economy)
Internationalizing PhD studies Identified problems: International dimensions of PhD studies are currently weak. There are limited access to scientific databases and research equipment. The law of education requires that 80% of the staff should have Azeri citizenship. The requirement that a supervisor must have the Doctor of Science degree. Tradition to write monographs instead of article-based dissertations. Fast track changes: Investments in improving English language skills in students and staff. Actively connecting to the international PhD student exchange programs. Creating research process that is based on international peer-review articles that will be included in the dissertation. Inviting visiting professors and foreign experts to do research and teach and to be opponents and members of the defense panels. Slow track changes: Using the current system more effectively to attract better students and ex-pat scholars. Investing in the next generation of scholars who will take over the system.
Roadmap for transformation Current situation2016 Goal 2020 Transition 2016-2020 European Research Area Ministry of education Evaluation of Universities Restructuring the Academy of Science Closing down HAC Providing autonomy to 3-6 strongest universities Reform the education legislation Changing the funding structure Independent rector assembly Academy of science Ministry of education Academy of science 53 universities Autonomous universities
Concluding recommendations: No time should be wasted to launch reforms Fast track is difficult, but it will improve current system faster Most changes are small step changes that can be implemented without legislative actions. Collaboration between universities, ministry of education and academy of science should be increased and improve in all levels. The division labor between institutions should be make clear and therefore provide PhD students best possible environment to do internationally recognized research. The tasks of institutions should be re-evaluated thus to provide support for research.