Ap u.s. government & politics Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Current events discussion 7 Minutes
National health care: the affordable care act and alternatives
The Affordable Care Act AKA, “Obamacare” Goals: Increase the quality affordability of health insurance Decrease the number of uninsured people Reduce the overall cost of healthcare in the country Mechanisms: Mandates Individual Mandate was repealed by the Tax Reform Act of 2017 Subsidies Insurance Exchanges
Obamacare Mechanisms/Provisions 1) The Individual Mandate Individuals who are not covered by an employer plan or government program must purchase their own health insurance or pay a fine How does this bring down the average cost of insurance for all Americans? 2) Employer Mandate Businesses with at least 50 full-time employees must offer health insurance to their full-time workers or pay a fine What might be an unintended effect of this provision? 3) Government Subsidies Individuals and families earning 100% to 400% of the federal poverty level receive subsidies from the federal government to help them purchase insurance on an Exchange 4) Insurance Exchanges Individuals and businesses can compare and purchases insurance policies within their state 5) Expansion of Medicaid Now available to individuals earning up to 133% of the federal poverty level In states that accept the additional federal funds
Alternatives to Obamacare 1) Government Option 2) Single-Payer System
Kahoot! Review: Unit 2 Political Beliefs and Behaviors
Public policy project work
Homework Textbook, Chapter 17: Reading and Outline due Tomorrow