Axel Rennoch MTS#73, Munich, January 23, 2017 MTS WG TST STATUS Axel Rennoch MTS#73, Munich, January 23, 2017
History 26.09.17: Creation at MTS#72 with initial working scope 23.10.17: Initial meeting MTSTST#1 (Sophia Antipolis) during ETSI IoTweek about collection of interests 30.11.17: MTSTST#2 (Berlin/phone) about collection of NWI ideas 23.01.18: MTSTST#3 (Munich) Discussion/agreement on eight NWI …
Participation MTSTST#1: 10 participants from AUDI, Sintesio, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Spirent, Ericsson, Elvior, ETSI Guests: DEKRA, Fraunhofer IPK MTSTST#2: 11 participants from EGM, Sintesio, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Spirent, Ericsson Guests: DEKRA, relayr GmbH MTSTST#3: 15 participants from Sintesio, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Spirent, EGM, Ericsson, Siemens, UoGöttingen, Elvior, ETSI
Proposed NWI NWI-1: CoAP (rapporteur FOKUS): TS split into three NWI: conformance, security, performance NWI-2: MQTT (rapporteur Sintesio): TS NWI-3: LoRaWAN security tests (rapporteur EGM): TS NWI-4: IoT security test methodology (rapporteur EGM): TR Test derivation from vulnerability database © Fraunhofer FOKUS
Pending NWI NWI-5: IoT security Test purposes (rapporteur FOKUS/DEKRA): TS Based on IoT general security requirements - starting/collection from industrial perspective (IEC) - filtering out industrial-only requirements - adding small/home business viewpoint issues (DIN, BSI) © Fraunhofer FOKUS
Proposed NWI time schedule Early Draft 2018-02-28 Stable Draft 2018-06-30 Draft for approval 2018-08-31 WG Approval 2018-09-25 TB Approval 2018-09-26 © Fraunhofer FOKUS
Next meetings/calls February 22nd, 10-12 (tbc) availability of early drafts Wording of pending NWI on general IoT security test purposes May 23rd (morning), 2018, before MTS#74 in Sophia Antipolis? © Fraunhofer FOKUS
Contacts Fraunhofer FOKUS Business Unit Quality Engineering (SQC) Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31 10589 Berlin, Germany Axel Rennoch phone +49 30 3463-7344