שמחה Mutual activity PARTNERSHIP 200O Western Galilee Decorated by the children of “Hadas” kindergarten- Akko The teacher: Perla Shitrit שמחה Mutual activity PARTNERSHIP 200O Western Galilee Liz and Sara from Dallas sent us this “Hamentaschen Happy Book” and the children of “Hadas” kindergarten in Akko, decorated it according to the words and their creativity. Edit by Efrat Srebro
I am eating a happy Hamentaschen שמחה The sentence that the children got in Hebrew was: I am eating a happy Hamentaschen The children from “Hadas” kindergarten looked for the right Hamentaschen picture and decided to embed it in a figure of Ester the queen
I am eating a sad Hamentaschen עצובה The sentence that the children got in Hebrew was: I am eating a sad Hamentaschen The children from “Hadas” kindergarten looked for the right Hamentaschen picture and decided to embed it in a figure of a sad clown
I am eating a sleeping Hamentaschen ישנה The sentence that the children got in Hebrew was: I am eating a sleeping Hamentaschen The children from “Hadas” kindergarten looked for the right Hamentaschen picture and decided to embed it in a figure of King Achashverosh
Now I am eating an angry Hamentaschen כועסת The sentence that the children got in Hebrew was: Now I am eating an angry Hamentaschen The children from “Hadas” kindergarten looked for the right Hamentaschen picture and decided to embed it in a figure of Haman
Now I am eating the Hamentaschen in small pieces The sentence that the children got in Hebrew was: Now I am eating the Hamentaschen in small pieces The children from “Hadas” kindergarten looked for the right Hamentaschen picture and decided to embed it in a figure of a lady clown
But in the “Mishloach Manot”, my Hamentaschen is the best of all היא הטובה The sentence that the children got in Hebrew was: But in the “Mishloach Manot”, my Hamentaschen is the best of all The children from “Hadas” kindergarten looked for the right picture and decided to Add to it the following words of love: Happiness , giving, peace, friendship ,joy and love
פורים שמח מילדי גן הדס בעכו פורים שמח מילדי גן הדס בעכו! Happy Purim from the children of Hadas kindergarten Akko! Israel