Yvette van Kooyk Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands Closing symposium of the GlyCoCan consortium TRANSLATIONAL GLYCOBIOLOGY TOWARDS THE TREATMENT OF CANCER Thursday, May 9, 2019 O│2 Auditorium, de Boelelaan 1108, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Invited speakers: Celso Reis (Keynote) University of Porto, Portugal Altered glycosylation in cancer: molecular mechanisms and clinical implications Hans Wandall Centre for Glycomics, Denmark Dissecting glycan function using CRISPR-Cas engineered human skin organoids Erdmann Rapp Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Germany glyXboxCE - A powerful tool in the glycoanalytical toolbox Yvette van Kooyk Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands Glycans as immune checkpoints for cancer immunotherapy NCI Cancer Close Up 2015 collection NCI Cancer Close Up 2015 collection Full program available here Free registration online by April 30, 2019, click here or visit Organizing Committee: Govert Somsen & Valeriia Kuzyk (VU), Sandra van Vliet & Thanos Blanas (VUmc), Manfred Wuhrer (LUMC)