Local and District Scholarship Meeting April 2019
Provincial Scholarships and Awards – Must be a Canadian Citizen or Landed Immigrant Basic Eligibility Requirements To be eligible for the Provincial Scholarships Program, students: Meet the selection criteria for each scholarship Be graduating the same year the scholarship is awarded Must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (landed immigrant) at the time of registration in the school year for which the scholarship is awarded Must be a BC resident. Must be or have been enrolled in a British Columbia public school (including Distributed Learning schools)
PROVINCIAL SCHOLARSHIPS BC Achievement Scholarships No application required $1250 scholarships Recognize the top 8,000 graduates in the province. The Ministry will determine recipients based on achievement in Grades 10, 11 and 12 courses that satisfy the BC Graduation Program requirements including elective courses.
PROVINCIAL SCHOLARSHIPS DISTRICT/AUTHORITY Scholarships 5500 scholarships (pro-rated to school districts) of $1250 for tuition. Apply through school specialty elective area. Demonstrate Outstanding Achievement in any of the following areas: Indigenous Language and Culture Fine Arts (Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Music) Applied Design, Skills and Technologies (Business, Technology, Home Ec, Information Communication Technology, Media Arts, Tourism) Physical Activity and Health (Athletics, Fitness, Outdoor Education, not limited to Physical Education) International Languages Community Service (Volunteer Activity), which includes awareness of local, global, and cultural issues Technical and Trades Training (Automotive, Robotics, Coding, Woodwork, Culinary Arts)
Local Scholarships What are local scholarships and bursaries? They are awards that are school, school district or local community based. They fall into two categories: Group 1 & Group 2
Application Process: Group 1 Complete one school application package only (white form) Awards based on financial need must include financial aid form and personal letter Award winners are selected by the scholarship committee at Pinetree Secondary. Winners are listed in the commencement booklet. Instructions on how to claim the award are included in student’s final report card.
Application Process: Group 2 Separate application required for each of the awards Nominees are selected by the scholarship committee at Pinetree but winners are chosen by the organization that is awarding the bursary/scholarship. Usually students are notified by the awarding institution.
Local Scholarship Forms Required Pinetree student information form (brag sheet) Local Scholarships and Bursaries Application form (white) Group Two Scholarship application form (blue) Provincial Dogwood District/Authority Award Application (pink) Financial Aid form (yellow) If you are a winner Form? (green)
ESSAYS Edit! Edit! Edit! Read the topic carefully. Scholarship providers get to know you through your essays so be specific. Use examples. Only provide information that you are comfortable being shared with others. Many essays are published along with winner’s profiles. Familiarize yourself with the organization and its mission statement.
What do I need to do? Get a Social Insurance Number Give yourself plenty of time to write a thoughtful and edited application Notify Mrs. Dhillon or Ms. Moorhouse immediately if you win an award so that you can be recognized as a winner during the commencement ceremony Remember to send a letter of thank-you to the sponsoring person, club, or institution that issued your reward
APPLICATION Follow application instructions carefully. If you are asking your teachers for a reference letter: give adequate time (at least two weeks). Make sure you give a copy of your student information form (brag sheet). Brag sheet is available to download online on Ms. Moorhouse website under financial aid. If possible include a copy of your application. All application packages due to Mrs. Dhillon or Ms. Moorhouse by April 25th, 2019.
External Scholarships Continue applying for external scholarships Visit the Career Resource site for updated information Most external scholarships are available in the Spring
External Scholarships
Due Date! April 25th, 2019 All packages and related forms are due to Mrs. Dhillon or Ms. Moorhouse on or before April 25th, 2019 EXCEPTION: COAST CAPITAL SAVINGS STANDING TALL AWARD-Due date is April 23, 2019