Janie K. Hoormann University of Queensland 23 April 2019 Black Hole Mass Measurements with the Australian Dark Energy Survey (OzDES) Janie K. Hoormann University of Queensland 23 April 2019
Active Galactic Nuclei Compact central region of active galaxies AGN Structure Supermassive black hole ~105-109 Msun Accretion Disk Light days Broad Line Region (BLR) clouds Light weeks/months Narrow Line Region clouds and Dusty Torus Light years Credit: Urry and Padovani 1995
Δt R ~ cΔt Time Disk Emission R Time Cloud Emission
Time Disk Emission Time Cloud Emission
Time Disk Emission Time Cloud Emission
Time Disk Emission Time Cloud Emission
Time Disk Emission Time Cloud Emission
Time Disk Emission Time Cloud Emission
Time Disk Emission Time Cloud Emission
Disk Emission Time Cloud Emission Time Δt R ~ cΔt R Sample light curves from bitbucket.org/nye17/javelin
Reverberation Mapping Calculate BLR radius using time delay between direct emission and ionized emission from BLR Use the width of the emission line to determine the velocity of the clouds Assuming black hole and clouds are in virial equilibrium 𝑀= 𝑓 𝑐 τ ∆ 𝑉 2 𝐺
The Big RM Questions Do the extrapolated Radius- Luminosity relationships really hold out to high redshifts? Secondary black hole mass measurements AGN as standard candles If we have black hole mass measurements out to high redshifts what can this tell us about black hole and galaxy evolution? Credit: Bentz et al. 2013 ApJ 767:149 Figure 11
RM with OzDES Targeting 771 AGN in the 10 DES-SN fields Weekly observations with DES Photometry taken with DECam on the 4m Blanco Telescope in Chile Model the continuum emission from the disk Monthly observations with OzDES Spectroscopy using 2dF AAOmega on the AAT at Siding Springs Model the response of the BLR Hβ , MgII, CIV emission lines
DES J0033-42 z = 2.593 C Hoormann et al 2019, submitted to MNRAS, arXiv:1902.04206
DES J0033-42 M = (3.3 ± 1.2) x 109 Mʘ 343 days Observed Lag = 343 −84 +58 days Rest Frame Lag = 95 −23 +16 days z = 2.593 ~350 days C Hoormann et al 2019, submitted to MNRAS, arXiv:1902.04206
DES J0238-04 z = 1.905 Hoormann et al 2019, submitted to MNRAS, arXiv:1902.04206
DES J0238-04 M = (4.4 ± 2.0) x 109 Mʘ 358 days Rest Frame Lag = 123 −42 +43 days Observed Lag = 358 −123 +126 days z = 1.905 ~350 days Hoormann et al 2019, submitted to MNRAS, arXiv:1902.04206
Hoormann et al 2019, submitted to MNRAS, arXiv:1902.04206
Future of OzDES
46 secure, 151 probable new lags measurements with Year 5 data!!!!
Just look what one more year can do!
Summary OzDES is targeting 771 AGN out to z=4 Recovered first 2 lags using the CIV line Including one at z = 2.593! Preliminary look at year 5 data shows we should be able to recover almost 200 more! And there is still data from year 6 to analyse!