By: Maddie, Hannah, Jayden, Justin, and Alexa How to stress less By: Maddie, Hannah, Jayden, Justin, and Alexa
What causes stress Stress is caused by exhausting work schedules, Drama with friends, Home life, and school. These are the most main stressors for people. People usually get stressed because they feel pressured and overworked.
How to handle stress 1. Exercise. 2. Listen to music. 3. talk yourself through it. 4. Eat right. 5. Be mindful. 6. Sleep better. 1. Go for a run. 2. Put some headphones on. 3. Think of solutions. 4. Look for healthy foods. 5. Think of others and be positive. 6. Try to go to bed earlier.
Orbeez stress balls 1. Take your empty water bottle and pour your orbeez into it. 2. take your balloon and stretch it, then put it around your water bottle. 3.Flip the water bottle so that your orbeez fall directly into your balloon. 4. Lastly tie your balloon off.
Thank you so much for your time! If you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to raise your hand. Before you guys must go, here are some examples of what not to do when you are stressed 1. hide in your room. 2. Ignore the problem. 3. Dwell on the negative.