Invasive species By: Piper Keyes
Zebra mussels From Asia Released into lake St. Clair Filter feeders that outcompete native animals Disturbance to aquatic ecosystems Chlorine, bromine, potassium chemicals
Purple loosestrife Europe and Asia Introduced as a medical plant Displaces native wetland plants Reduces habitat size Digging, hand pulling, and cutting
Asian long horned beetle China Came in on wood packaging material Destroys wood on timber, tourism, maple and street trees The controlling infestation costs $180million
West Nile virus Uganda First reported in 1999 193 human cases and 17 deaths Killed thousands of birds and over 100 horses No vaccine can cure the virus
Garlic mustard Europe Brought over by settlers as a herb Grows over the native plants Over grows on the bottom layers of forest grounds dominating the native species hand pulling the weeds and then spraying the others around it
Chestnut blight China Nursery stock Took over ¼ of eastern U.S forests Devastated chestnuts from Maine to Alabama Good for humans and wild life to eat and known for its durable wood Compressing mud over blight cankers
Lantana camara West indies Found in fields in Florida Toxic to livestock Hand pulling the small roots
Russian olive Eurasia Central western U.S Crowds out native species hand held sprayers
American mink United Kingdom Escaped from farms Kills wildlife and threatens poultry game birds Takes over our wildlife No control
Japanese beetle Northern japan Shipments over seas Destroys plants flowers and grass in order to eat Causes damage living under roots and soil Using insecticide